tai chi 8 form list

PARRY, DEFLECT AND PUNCH 78- STEP UP & GRASP THE BIRD’S TAIL The 10 Form and 16 Form were developed as forms that are easier than the 24 which was developed in the 1950's. 13- KICK WITH RIGHT HEEL (YOU DENG JIAO) 7. Yang Broadsword Video 9. 1. 18. 33- TURN BODY AND KICK WITH LEFT HEEL PART THE WILD HORSES MANE (X2), WAVE HANDS LIKE CLOUDS (X3) APPARENT CLOSE UP, FLYING OBLIQUE/DIAGONAL FLYING 57- CLOUD HANDS (X5) Wang Pei-sheng, Zeng Weiqi (1983). SINGLE WHIP Brush Knee and Twist Step (left) 10. Taught by the SF Wushu Team), 13 - Chen (created by Master Chen Bing based on the movements from (Old Frame, First Routine, Lao Jia Yi Lu)), 13 - Chen (aka Five Element Chen) subset of either Old Frame One or Small Frame (Zhu Tian Cai), 13 - Wudang (Zhang SanFeng - Wudang Nei Jia Quan) - Shi San Shi, 13 - Chu style Yang form Long 108 and Short 37 movements, 14/16 - Guangbo (Guang-Bo) (a mixture of Chen, Yang, Wu, and Qigong that was done by factory workers in China), 16 - Actually Chen 4 Step (see above) popularly repeated in four directions of the compass (Zhu Tian Cai), 18 - Wudang (Zhang SanFeng - simplified new form), 20 - 5 Section Taijiquan (Yang Simplified), 20 - 5 Section Chen Taijiquan (Chen Simplified), 20 - Simplified form of Chen Xiaojia (Small frame of Chen T'ai Chi Ch'uan), 24 - Chen Shi (Chen style) Xinyi Hunyuan Taijiquan (24 Form by Feng Zhiqiang), 24 - Jingquanshitaijiquan (24 Forms - T'ien Ti Tao/Tiandidao), 32 - Chen Standardized "Fist" (New Frame), 36 - Chen Standardized, Beijing Branch (Tian Xiuchen and Kan Guixiang), 40 - Jingquanshitaijiquan (40 Steps or 24 Forms - T'ien Ti Tao/Tiandidao). 1- COMMENCING FORM (QI SHIH) Audio clips in Chinese for each of the 24 form tai chi posture names. 22- NEEDLE AT SEA BOTTOM Sun 6: Basic 6 moves, performed on Right and Left. Push 8. the 32 sequence contains a combination of several styles of tai chi. 96 - Ma Yungsheng "New Taijiquan" 96-steps as taught in Nanjing Central Kuoshu Academy. 59- SNAKE CREEPS DOWN Yang 48 Combination Set List 10. 24. Blue Snake Books, Berkeley, California, USA. 18- FAIR LADY WORKS THE SHUTTLE (CHUAN SHUO) Notably, the family's Shanghai branch has a different enumeration scheme, numbering the same "long form" routine sequence with 89 posture names instead of 108. 2- OPENING FORM 8. Step in and stab with flat sword (Jinbu Pingci) 15. List of Tai Chi Forms 2.Yang 10 Form List 3. 27- SINGLE WHIP 31- KICK TO THE RIGHT SIDE WITH TOES White Crane Spreads Wings. GRASP THE BIRD’S TAIL, TURN BODY AND PUNCH Brush Knee (left) 12. Translation of List of tai chi chuan forms in English. Ben, The big 8 form is great for an intro into Tai Chi. 52- STEP UP, GRASP THE BIRD’S TAIL The standard is Yang 24 Simplified Form. Mrs Bao’s 10 Yang style tai chi forms for beginners: In 1992 Mrs Men Bao, founder of ‘Bao’s Lung Fei Tai Chi’ (BLFTC), created this sequence of 10 tai chi forms for her own students. SHOOT THE TIGER Single Whip 5. 82- TURN RIGHT & RETREAT TO RIDE THE TIGER Ward Off, Right 5. RAISE HAND 8- BRUSH KNEE, TWIST STEP / LEFT/RIGHT/LEFT (LOU XI AO BU) Simple Whip Heart: Yin: Hand: Fire: 11 AM-1 PM: 10. 9 Form Chen. [2] Zhaobao Style is a modern form of tai chi that consists of a large (108 moves) and small (75 moves) frame practiced at different heights. Yang 24 Form Videos 6. 9- BRUSH KNEE, TWIST, STEP – (X3) STEP BACK TO RIDE THE TIGER 16- FIST UNDER ELBOW Currently it is also known as Ma-family Taijiquan and as it covers the 8 directions, some called it Taiji-baqua quan. 63- RAISE HAND Tai Chi is now widely practised and taught in Curving back arms (Repulse Monkey) Right, left; 3 times each side 3. Reverse body and chop behind (fanshen Huipi) Ba Gua. The first and last moves are not counted in this sequence. ROLL BACK AND PRESS HANDS It was originally derived from the Chen style tai-chi 'lao jia' and while there is some commonality in the names and sequence of the movements, it is clearly very different. 10- CLOUD HANDS (YUN SHOU) 32. Log in or Register 44- STEP ACROSS & SWIVEL TO KICK RIGHT HEEL 50- SIDE STEP SINGLE WHIP 10 - Yang Introductory Form (also often called 8-step) 11 - Chen created by Liming Yue after many years of study with Chen Zhenglei and Kongjie Gou 12 - Chen(Based on the movements from Feng Zhiqiang's Chen Style Xinyi Hunyuan Taijiquan system. COMMENCING FORM 55- STEP UP & GRASP THE BIRDS TAIL CLOUD HANDS X3 69- STEP UP, WARD OFF AND PUNCH 20- WHITE CRANE SPREADS ITS WINGS 36- WHITE SNAKE SHOWING TOUNGUE 8- STRUM THE LUTE Yang Long Form Videos 8. Created by Chinese Sport Committee as the Level - 1 Tai Chi, Yi-duan Taiji. Yang 48 Combination Set Videos 11. Raise the knee and hold the sword (Tixi Pengjian) 41 - Sun 41: Tai Chi for Arthritis (TCA), created by Dr. Paul Lam of the Tai Chi for Health Institute, Sydney, Australia. GRASP THE BIRD’S TAIL FAIR LADY WORKS THE SHUTTLES X2, LEFT FIST UNDER RIGHT ELBOW/STEP BACK WITH LEFT LEG 24- TURN THE BODY AND PUNCH STEP UP, WARD OFF & PUNCH 62- FLYING OBLIQUE The term taiji is a Chinese cosmological concept for the flux of yin and yang, and 'quan' means fist. Table 2 Names of the Forms in Eight-Form Easy Tai Chi Movement direction/ Form Number of repetitions 1. 75- CROSS PALMS BACK TO BACK SINGLE WHIP Wu Style Taijiquan. RIGHT KICK WITH FISTS 17- GOLDEN COCK STANDS ON ONE LEG (DU LI) 19- STRUM THE LUTE This form is perfect for Beginners. PART WILD HORSE’S MANE X2 An excerpt from the traditional Yang-style 85 form Tai Chi. 23- FAN THROUGH THE BACK Yang Long Form List 7. One leg stance and reverse stab (Duli Fanci) Grasping the Bird’s Tail on the Right: Pericardium: Yin: Hand: Fire: 7-9 PM: 9. 4- RAISE HAND (TI SHOU) 10- CLOSING THE TAI CHI (SOU SHIH). Sun 20: Basic 6 moves, performed on Right and Left. Contract the body and draw on the diagonal (Suoshen Xiedai) Press 7. List of Tai Chi forms 1. 28. 1. 76- TURN AROUND & KICK FORWARDS Horizontal draw to the left (Xiangzuo Pingdai) 6. STEP BACK TO REPULSE THE MONKEY (X2) 8. Yang Style Tai-Chi Chuan (Taijiquan) 'Long' Form as taught by Yang Cheng-Fu. I am sure as you know It is a shortened version of the Yang 24 form. 7- STRUM THE LUTE (SHOU HUI PIPA) Tai chi (simplified Chinese: 太极; traditional Chinese: 太極; pinyin: Tàijí), short for T'ai chi ch'üan or Tàijí quán (太極拳), sometimes colloquially known as "Shadowboxing", is an internal Chinese martial art practiced for defense training, health benefits, and meditation. One leg stance, circle and chop down (Duli Lumpi) Right bow stance and block (You Gongbu Lan) T’ai Chi Beginning 3. Tai Chi and Health Qigong form movement names, including Yang 10 Form, 24 Form, 108 Form, 42 sword form, Ba Duan Jin, Wu Qin Xi, 12 Movements of Daoyin Health Preservation, Yi Jin Jing T-stance and pull back (Dinabu Huichou) I am teaching the tai chi 24 form at a local fitness franchise who slotted me into their fall program lineup to teach a session of 6 one hour classes. 48 - Chen Shi (Chen style) Xinyi Hunyuan Taijiquan (48 Form by Feng Zhiqiang), 49 - Yang Family Demonstration and Competition Form ("Short" Form), 66 - Combined Standardized (Lost, original content unknown), 67 - Movements Combined Tai-Chi Chuan form, 71 - Chen Erlu (Cannon Fist), Beijing Branch (Chen Fake), 83 - Chen Yilu, Beijing Branch (Chen Fake), 88 - Yang Standardized (which appears to differ slightly from traditional forms of similar length), 95 - Shanghai Jianchuan T'ai Chi Association. Simple Whip Heart: Yin: Hand: Fire: 11 AM-1 PM: 12. 66- NEEDLE AT SEA BOTTON Opening of Tai Chi 2. The unified movement of the form requires concentration and enhances the mental benefits provided by tai chi. 12- HIGH PAT ON HORSE (GAO TAN MA) 11. GRASP THE BIRD’S TAIL 25- STEP UP, WARD OFF AND PUNCH 21- DEFLECT DOWNWARDS, PARRY AND PUNCH (BAN LAN CHUI) 3- GRASP THE BIRD’S TAIL Horizontal draw to the left (Xiangzuo Pingdai) 17- STEP BACK, REPULSE THE MONKEY (X3) 13. Bow stance, hook and chop (Gongbu Guapi) This sequence was also created by the famous  Master Li Tanji, nicknamed ‘Lungfei’ from whom our tai chi club gets its name. 4. 56- SINGLE WHIP 26- STEP UP, GRASP THE BIRD’S TAIL Tina Chunna Zhang, Frank Allen (2006). GOLDEN COCK STANDS ON ONE LEG 11- STEP UP, WARD OFF AND PUNCH 35- STEP UP AND PUNCH DOWNWARDS Turn the body and draw on a slant (Zhuanshen Xiedai) BRUSH KNEE, TWIST, STEP (X3) 4 Form Chen. Back step and strike backhand (Chebu Fanji) 80- SNAKE CREEPS DOWN Turn the body and pull back (Zhuanshen Huichou) The traditional Yang style tai-chi chuan slow foundation form is commonly referred to as the 'long form' or 108 form. Applications Chen. SNAKES CREEPS DOWN To do Tai Chi, you perform a series of postures or movements in a slow, graceful manner. Cheng Man Ch ‘ing Style Tai Chi Chu’an. 86- APPARENT CLOSE UP (SHUT THE DOOR) 8 Immortals Cane Form List 12. It is also know as Tai Chi 10 Form if you count the opening ans closing forms. 10. 72- CLOUD HANDS (X3) Right bow stance and slice upward (You Gonbu liao), 17. 826 Views. The following list is an English translation from Chinese of the empty hand or fist form list published in Wu Kung-tsao's Wu Family T'ai Chi Ch'uan. NEEDLE AT SEA BOTTOM BRUSH KNEE AND PUNCH TO THE GROIN Waving Hands Like Clouds (3 steps) Triple Heater: Yang: Hand: Fire: 9-11 PM: 11. 13- CROSS HANDS, 14- CARRY THE TIGER TO THE MOUNTAIN FAIR LADY WORKS THE SHUTTLES (X2) 79- SINGLE WHIP TAME THE TIGER (LEFT & RIGHT) Form 2 Buddha’s warrior attendant pounds mortar—right style Form 3 tuck in robes Form 4 six sealing and four closings----right style Form 5 single whip—left style Form 6 parry and punch with elbows Form 7 protect heart with fists Form 8 white crane spreads its wings Form 9 walk obliquely and twist step There are more than one set of 18 sword sequences. 32- KICK TO THE LEFT SIDE WITH TOES 3- SINGLE WHIP (TAN PIEN) 28- CLOUD HANDS (X5) 11 Form Chen. Strum the Pei Pa 9. List of T'ai chi ch'uan forms, postures, movements, or positions in order of number of forms: Learn how and when to remove this template message, Yang ('Simplified', 'Beijing', 'New Style') Standardized, Chen (Old Frame, First Routine, Lao Jia Yi Lu), Wu-style of Wu Ch'uan-yu and Wu Chien-ch'uan, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqmpaLCcv-g, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOCbrxoMhPM, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzQBLU7TVbw, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u2oGm4BbUY, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwNIov8VluA, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTOmGyfLRBE, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T66NvkkSzSg, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVDH5GK1664, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETvlL5QbAOs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMDTb6rEvYw, Listing of Tai Chi and Wushu forms in Chinese (traditional and simplified characters) and English, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_t%27ai_chi_ch%27uan_forms&oldid=1001184121, Articles that may contain original research from March 2016, All articles that may contain original research, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2014, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, 4 - Chen 4 Step is a subset of Chen Old Frame One (Zhu Tian Cai), 4 - Chen 4 Step is a subset of Chen Beijing Branch (Wang Xiaojun), 10 - Yang Introductory Form (also often called 8-step), 11 - Chen created by Liming Yue after many years of study with, 12 - Chen(Based on the movements from Feng Zhiqiang's Chen Style Xinyi Hunyuan Taijiquan system. Step Up and Raise Hands (very similar to Strum the Pei Pa) 6. Forms Chen. 87- CROSS HANDS HOW TO DO IT: Stand in the beginning posture. 20. 21- BRUSH KNEE, TWIST, STEP TURN LOTUS KICK Horizontal draw to the right (Xiangyou Pingdai) 5. The 42 International Competition Forms – covering several styles of tai chi chuan: Sometimes also know as the 16 sword as first and last moves are not always counted. Empty stance ad intercept downward (Xubu Xiajie) 16. Simplified Tai Chi 24 form (YMAA Taijiquan) Yang style by Liang, Shou-Yu displays names of each form as the movements are demonstrated. 42 - T'ai Chi Dao of T'ien Ti Tao/Tiandidao. 41- SWIVEL LEFT & KICK RIGHT HEEL 77- BRUSH KNEE & PUNCH TO THE GROIN Also displays Chinese characters, pinyin names and character translations for each clip 3. 22- APPARENT CLOSE-UP (RU FENG SHI BI) 46- APPARENT CLOSE UP (SHUT THE DOOR) 3- SINGLE WHIP (TAN PIEN) 5- WHITE CRANE FLASHES IT’S WINGS (BAI HE LIANG CHI) 88- CLOSING FORM. 10- STRUM THE LUTE 37- STEP UP, WARD OFF AND PUNCH 6- RAISE HAND (TI SHOU) Comments Off on (8/27) Chen Tai Chi 27 Form: Step to Both Sides. Sun 41: additional 6 moves, also performed both sides. 31. 73- SINGLE WHIP 54- FAIR LADY WORKS THE SHUTTLES – (X4) Tai Chi 24 form moves in Chinese, Pinyin, English and 4 other languages the movements' names in Chinese, Pinyin, English, German, French, Italian, and Spanish. 27. 30- HIGH PAT ON HORSE Hai Feng Publishing Company, Hong Kong. Different schools will use different translations. 65- BRUSH KNEE, TWIST, STEP – LEFT APPARENT CLOSE-UP Yang 10 Form Videos  4. 34- BRUSH KNEE, TWIST, STEP (X2) TURN BODY, DOUBLE LOTUS KICK GOLDEN ROOSTER STANDS ON ONE LEG (LEFT & RIGHT) Stand with feet together and point (Bingbu Dianjian) CROSS HANDS, STRIKE RIGHT LEG 19. GRASP THE BIRD’S TAIL Single Whip (an excellent posture for chi circulation) 9. HIGH PAT ON HORSE One leg stance and stab up (Duli Shangci), 9. FLASHING ARMS, TURN AND STRIKE 85- STEP UP, WARD OFF AND PUNCH Brush Knee (left) 8. Jump step and stab with a flat sword (Tiaobu Pinci) CROSS HANDS Tens of thousands of people perform tai chi to mark the first anniversary of the opening of the Beijing Olympics in … 71- SINGLE WHIP SINGLE WHIP Contact / Classes / Form List Lineage / Wu Style Tai Chi Links Video Contacts Classes: 2020 - Classes 2021 START MONDAY 4 JAN & SATURDAY 9 JAN - time and place as below Wet season classes at PALMERSTON RECREATION CENTRE Saturdays 8 to 9.30am Palmerston Recreation Centre … Brush Knee and Twist Step (right) 11. The 88 Yang style tai chi forms – known as the long form: Also known as the 108 forms, depending if every move is counted when one move is repeated several times. 2. Shoulder Stroke (a great inside fighting technique) 11. Step in and stab backhand (Jimbu fanci) 18- FLYING OBLIQUE 8 Immortals Cane Form Video 13. 36 - Chen Sword, Beijing Branch(Tian Xiuchen), 36 - Chen Broadsword, Beijing Branch(Tian Xiuchen), 36 - Chen Shi (Chen Style) Xinyi Hun Yuan broadsword. 8- STEP BACK TO REPULSE THE MONKEY (DAO JUAN HONG) Commencing form Both hands rise to shoulder level 2. Strum the Pei Pa 13. List of tai chi forms taught at BLFTC from beginners forms to the more advanced sequences: Below you will find the list of the following tai chi form for the 10 Yang style tai chi forms for beginners by Mrs Bao, the Official Chinese 10 Yang style tai chi forms for beginners, the 16 Yang style tai chi forms, the Standard 24 Yang style tai chi forms by Master Li Tanji, the English simplified 24 forms created by Jifu Huang, the 88 Yang style tai chi forms, the 32 tai chi forms, the 40 International Competition forms, the 42 International Competition rorms, 18-steps taiji sword & 32-steps taiji sword by Master Li Tanji. 5. CLOSING THE TAI CHI. 29. DESCENDING SINGLE WHIP 21. SNAKES CREEPS DOWN 53- SINGLE WHIP 20- FLASH ARMS (SHAN TONG BEI) 12. White crane spreads wings is a quintessential tai chi form that hones balance as you shift your weight from one side to the next. STEP UP, WARD OFF AND PUNCH 74- HIGH PAT ON HORSE 30. STRUM THE LUTE 12- APPARENT CLOSE UP (SHUT THE DOOR) 84- BEND THE BOW TO SHOOT THE TIGER Horizontal draw to the right (Xiangyou Pingdai) Stand upright with feet together and stab with a flat sword (Bingbu Pinci) It is an offshoot of Chen tai chi and is named after the village where it was practiced. 60- GOLDEN COCK STANDS ON ONE LEG – (X2) NEEDLE AT SEA BOTTOM This was before the official one was created in China in 1999. White Stork Spreads Wings 7. 2- GRASP THE BIRD’S TAIL / LEFT&RIGHT (LAN CH’UEH WEI) 4- SINGLE WHIP 43- KICK LEFT HEEL 8: Play the Pipa: 手挥琵琶: Shǒu huī pípá: 8: 9: Brush Knee and Push (3 times) 搂膝拗步: Lōu … 23- CROSS HANDS (SHI ZI SHOU) 49- DIAGONAL GRASP THE BIRDS TAIL 5- RAISE HANDS 22. 51- PART WILD HORSE’S MANE – (X4) 11- SINGLE WHIP (TAN PIEN) Tai Chi can be a dynamic or free flowing form of moving meditation which helps bring about calm and peace of mind whilst gently exercising the whole body and helps to enhance the flow of Qi (vital energy) within the body. 58- SINGLE WHIP 32 - Divine Staff of T'ien Ti Tao/Tiandidao. 67- FAN TROUGH THE BACK 6- BRUSH KNEE, TWIST STEP (LOU XI AO BOU) Left Grasp Bird's Tail 3. 1. Left empty stance and slice upward (Zuo Xubu Liao) Raise Hands 10. DESCENDING SINGLE WHIP 13 - Beijing Northern Wu Style Tai Ji Shi San [13] Dao. Left bow stance and stab (Zuogongbu) Each posture flows into the next without pausing. TURN, KICK TO THE RIGHT SIDE WITH HEEL 38- KICKS TO THE RIGHT SIDE WITH HEEL One leg stance and reverse stab (Duli Fanci) 3. 8 Form Chen – Tai Chi Hangout. Grasp Bird's Tail 4. Crouch stance and sweep to the side (Pubu Hengsao) 4. 24- CLOSING THE TAI CHI (SHOU SHI). SINGLE WHIP 9- FLYING OBLIQUE (XIE FEI SHI) 45- STEP UP, WARD OFF AND PUNCH HIT EAR WITH BOTH FISTS STRUM THE LUTE RIGHT TOE KICK – HAND HITTING TOES GRASP THE BIRD’S TAIL 6- WHITE CRANE SPREADS ITS WINGS This is a good set of forms as a prelude to the Official 42 International Competition tai chi forms . 14. The Standard 24 Yang style tai chi forms: This sequence was created by the famous  Master Li Tanji in 1956, Li Tanji was nicknamed ‘Lungfei’ from whom our tai chi club gets its name, 2- PART WILD HORSE’S MANE ON BOTH SIDES (YE MA FEN ZONG) X3, 3- WHITE CRANE FLASHES ITS WINGS (BAI HE LIANG CHI), 4- BRUSH KNEE, TWIST STEP ON BOTH SIDES (LOU XI AO BU) X3, 6- REPULSE THE MONKEY/CURVE BACK ARMS / LEFT & RIGHT (DAO NIAN HAO) X4, 7- GRASP THE BIRD’S TAIL / LEFT (LAN CH’UEH WEI), 8- GRASP THE BIRD’S TAIL / RIGHT (LAN CH’UEH WEI), 13- KICK WITH RIGHT HEEL / RIGHT (YOU DENG JIAO), 14- STRIKE OPPONENT’S EARS WITH FISTS (SHUANG FENG GUAN ER), 15- TURN AND KICK WITH LEFT HEEL (ZHUANG SHEN DENG JIAO), 16- DESCENDING SINGLE WHIP/PUSH DOWN / LEFT AND GOLDEN COCK STANDS ON ONE LEG / LEFT (XIA SHIH DU LI), 17- DESCENDING SINGLE WHIP/PUSH DOWN / RIGHT AND GOLDEN COCK STANDS ON ONE LEG / RIGHT (XIA SHIH DU LI), 18- FAIR LADY WORKS THE SHUTTLES / LEFT & RIGHT (CHUAN SUO) X2, 20- FAN THROUGH THE BACK/FLASH ARMS (SHAN TONG BEI), 21- TURN TO DEFLECT DOWNWARDS, PARRY AND PUNCH (ZHUAN SHEN BAN LAN CUI). Bow stance and stab straight (Gongbu Zhici), 10 Yang style tai chi forms for beginners by Mrs Bao, the Official Chinese 10 Yang style tai chi forms for beginners, the 16 Yang style tai chi forms, the Standard 24 Yang style tai chi forms by. Empty stance, circle sword and chop (Xubu Lumpi) 42- HIT EARS WITH BOTH FISTS 68- TURN THE BODY AND PUNCH 42 - Competition Sword Tai Chi Jian (complements 42 Tai Chi Chuan competition forms), 46 - Chen Broadsword, Beijing Branch (Tian Qiutian), 48 - Chen Shi (Chen Style) Xinyi Hun Yuan sword, 58 - Chen Sword, Beijing Branch (Chen Fake), 60 - Wu style Tai Ji Jian (Created by Master Chian Ho Yin), 67 - Movement Yang family tai chi chuan Sword Form, 84 - Wu Style Heaven and Earth Sword Form (Qian Kun Jian), 270 - Lee style T'ai Chi Ch'uan Stick (Staff). 23. One leg stance and lift horizontally (Duli Pingtuo) WHITE CRANE SPREADS ITS WINGS Yang Style 10 Form is a relatively new form developed in the early 2000 by a commission who decided to create other tai chi forms for competition and for grading purposes. Translate List of tai chi chuan forms in English online and download now our free translator to use any time at no charge. Yang 24 Form List  5. Tai Chi 8 Form Seminar Video Library This content is for Gold Member, Silver Member, Bronze Member, Tai_Chi_Centre_Instructor_Member, Health Qigong Club, and Hu Xiaofei Kangyang Club members only. Left bow stance and block (Zuo Gongbu Lan) Turn around and smear horizontally (Xuanzhuan Pingmo) KICK TO THE RIGHT SIDE WITH HEEL STEP UP AND CROSS FISTS (SEVEN STAR POSE) Step back and draw the sword back (Tuibu Huichou) 5- SINGLE WHIP (TAN PIEN) 6- Sun 6: Tai Chi for Arthritis (TCA), created by Dr. Paul Lam of the Tai Chi for Health Institute, Sydney, Australia. LEFT TOE KICK 19- NEEDLE AT SEA BOTTOM (HAI DI ZHEN) 8. This page was last edited on 18 January 2021, at 16:20. This after I told them I needed a session of 8 classes 1.5 hrs. 61- REPULSE THE MONKEY – (X3) Tai Chi 8 Form is an introductory routine, easy to learn because of its simplicity, symnetry, and compact .. 3 years ago . Empty stance and point the sword (Xubu Dianjian), 25. The 40 International Competition Forms of Yang style tai chi chuan: OPENING FORM 7- WHITE CRANE FLASHES ITS WINGS (BAI HE LIANG CHI) 47- CROSS HANDS, 48- CARRY THE TIGER TO THE MOUNTAIN CLOSING FORM. each. Tai Chi 8 Form is an introductory routine, easy to learn because of its simplicity, symmetry, and compact in a small space. 15- DIAGONAL GRASP THE BIRDS TAIL 2- GRASP THE BIRDS TAIL (LAN CH’UEH WEI) 81- STEP UP, SEVEN STAR POSE Stepping sideways and moving arms To the left, then to the right (Grasp Peacock's Tail: ward off, rollback, press, push) 4. Chen. STEP UP AND PUNCH DOWNWARDS The Yang style is the most popular and it consists of slow continuous, soft and circular movements in a flowing form. 26. This sequence is sometimes known as the 8 forms as first and last forms are not always counted: 3- BRUSH KNEE, TWIST STEP ON BOTH SIDES (LOU XI AO BU) X2, 4- PART WILD HORSES MAINE ON BOTH SIDES (YE MA FEN ZONG) X2, 6- GOLDEN COCK STANDS ON ONE LEG (XIA SHIH DU LI), 8- GRASP THE BIRD’S TAIL (LAN CH’UEH WEI) RIGHT/LEFT, 2- PART WILD HORSES MAINE ON BOTH SIDES (YE MA FEN ZONG) X2, 3- WHITE CRANE FLASHES IT’S WINGS (BAI HE LIANG CHI), 4- BRUSH KNEE, TWIST STEP ON BOTH SIDES (LOU XI AO BU) X2, 9- REPULSE THE MONKEY/CURVE BACK ARMS (DAO NIAN HAO) X2, 10- FAIR LADY WORKS THE SHUTTLES (CHUAN SUO) RIGHT/LEFT X2, 12- FAN THROUGH THE BACK/FLASH ARMS (SHAN TONG BEI), 14- GRASP THE BIRD’S TAIL (LAN CH’UEH WEI) RIGHT/LEFT. Of Chen tai chi chuan forms in English am sure as you shift weight! 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