science glossary grade 6

globular cluster - stars grouped in huge spherical clusters. reservoir - artificial body of water that usually forms behind a dam. low-pressure system - large and often stormy weather system that forms when air circles, then moves up to higher altitudes. Grade 6 Science Tutoring & Help Oxford Learning® makes learning science easy and fun, helping your child achieve better grades and learn the skills they need to succeed. temperature regions to low temperature regions)    thermal energy - total kinetic energy of a substance’s atoms. susceptible person, as in person-to-person contact. conifer - cone-bearing trees and shrubs that usually keep their leaves or needles during all the seasons of the year. barrier reef - type of coral reef that is separated from the shore by a lagoon. solar nebula - rotating cloud of gas and dust from which the sun and planets formed. ovary - enlarged base of the pistil that holds the ovule. lens - curved pieces of glass that bend light rays as they pass through it. geostationary (geosynchronous) orbit - orbit that is about 36 000 km above Earth’s surface and in which a satellite is above a pacemaker - controls the pace at which the heart beats. dew point - at constant pressure and water vapor content, the temperature at which the rate of condensation equals the rate of Science glossary 6th grade abiotic factor - nonliving physical or chemical part of an ecosystem; describes the nonliving part of the environment, including water, rocks, light, and temperature. cirrus cloud - feathery, fibrous cloud that forms at a very high altitude. Earth’s position in its orbit around the sun. Hover your mouse over any skill name to preview it, then click to practice! mesosphere - layer of the atmosphere between the stratosphere and the thermosphere and in which temperature decreases as dome - raised area shaped roughly like the top half of a sphere created by rising magma. carnivore - animal or plant that consumes or obtains nutrients from animals.  subatomic particle - particle that is smaller than an atom.                                                                                                        22 species that live in a given area.                                                                                                                    host cell - cell that a virus infects and uses to make copies of itself. bay - body of water that is partly enclosed by land. star - large, gaseous, self-luminous body held together by gravity and powered by thermonuclear reactions.  open-water zone - zone of a pond or lake that extends from the littoral zone and that is only as deep as light can reach. alloy - solid metal dissolved in another solid metal. growth - stage in the process of growing; a measure of progressive development. mechanical energy - amount of work an object can do because of the object’s kinetic and potential energies. transpiration - loss of water vapor through the stomata of a leaf. mechanical wave - wave that can travel only through matter; can be either a transverse or a compressional wave. climax communities of grasses. chemical rock - sedimentary rock formed from large amounts of minerals when a body of water dries up. microscopic - relating to an object too small to be visible without the use of a microscope.  vein - blood vessel that carries blood from the body back to the heart. 6th Grade Science Worksheets and Study Guides. climate - pattern of weather that occurs in a particular area over a long period of time. weight - measure of the force of attraction between objects due to gravity. split apart and the continents drifted to their present positions. intertidal zone - portion of the shoreline that is covered with water at high tide and exposed to the air at low tide. outcome variable - factor being measured or observed in an experiment;  a factor that responds to, or depends on, other factors.  interference - ability of two or more waves to combine and form a new wave when they overlap; can be constructive, forming a asexual reproduction - formation of an organism from a single cell; form of reproduction in which new individuals             are formed tissue - group of cells similar in structure and joined together to perform a common function; four basic types of tissue are muscle, budding - reproductive process in yeast, in which a new yeast cell is formed from a tiny bud. classify - to group information, objects, or ideas based on their similarities. apparent magnitude - brightness of a star as it appears from Earth. that of a gamma ray and having a correspondingly high energy. cinder cone - volcano made mostly of cinders and other rock particles that have been blown into the air. freezing point - temperature at which a liquid changes to a solid. paleontologist - scientist who uses the remains or traces of long-dead organisms to form a picture of the Earth’s past. universe - space and the total sum of all matter and energy.                  boils at 373.15o.  air quality - measure of the pollutants in the air that is used to express how clean or polluted the air is. Van Allen radiation belt - two doughnut-shaped regions of particles surrounding the Earth that trap radiation from the sun. zoology - study of animals. stoma (pl-stomata) - tiny opening in plant leaves through which water vapor, oxygen and carbon dioxide pass. natural gas - mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons located under the surface of the earth, often near petroleum deposits; used as a ecological succession - process of gradual change from one community of organisms to another. oceanographer - scientist who studies the ocean. nitrate - nitrogen (N) compound. Newton’s laws of motion - three rules describing how things move—an object will move with constant motion if no net force is trachea - windpipe. halophile - Archaea that tolerate salty surroundings. ingestion - eating.                                                                                                                                                                                           11 leaching - removal of substances that can be dissolved from rock, ore, or layers of soil due to the passing of water. 1. wheel and axle - simple machine made from two rigidly attached wheels that rotate together; consists of a rod driven through the sexual reproduction - formation of an organism from the uniting of two different sex cells; reproduction involving              the union of sublimation - process in which a solid changes directly into a gas.                                             fat - energy-rich organic compound made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, that is solid at room temperature. stress - force that pushes or pulls rocks. centrioles - one of the two tiny parts found in the centrosome composed of microtubules. efficiency - ability of a machine to convert work input to work output; always less than 100 percent in real machines due to some magnetosphere - magnetic field of a planet. bias - preference for a person or thing that interferes with impartial judgment; a prejudice. harbor - sheltered area of water where ships may anchor safely. measurement - way to describe the world with numbers; can describe objects and events with length, volume, mass,            temperature, and rates. tundra soil - soil found in the polar regions that has peat on the surface and very limited subsoil. self-esteem - pride in oneself; self-respect. ocean current - movement of ocean water that follows a regular pattern. superposition - states that in layers of sedimentary rocks, younger rocks normally lie on top of older rocks if the layers have not adoptive family - legal addition of children to the family of non-biological parents. coral reef - limestone structure built from the shells of coral animals in war, shallow ocean waters. extinction (extinct) - permanent disappearance of a species. constant temperature and pressure.  crater - bowl-shaped depression that forms on the surface of an object when a falling body strikes the object’s surface or when an metamorphism - changing of one type of rock into another as a result of tremendous heat, great pressure or chemical reactions. astronomy - study of planets, stars and other objects beyond the Earth. jet stream - narrow belt of strong winds that flows from west to east at great speeds near the top of the troposphere. germination - beginning of growth of a new plant from a spore or a seed. thermosphere - uppermost layer of the atmosphere, in which temperature increases as altitude increases. composition - chemical makeup of a rock; describes either the minerals or other materials in the rock.            Section 1. science: process of trying to understand the world around us. electromagnetic radiation - emission and propagation of the entire range of electromagnetic spectrum including:  gamma rays, seismologist - scientist who studies earthquakes. scale - one of the thin, small, overlapping plates that cover most fish and reptiles and some other animals. California Current an ocean current that carries cold water toward the equator along the western coast of the United States, keeping the climate of the northwest cool; calorie the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1°C ; cambium a layer of plant cells that sometimes separates the xylem and the phloem ; canopy the second-tallest layer of the … inertia - property of a mass to resist changes in motion; measure of an object’s ability to remain at rest or to keep moving unless moon - natural satellite that revolves around a planet.  estivation - behavioral adaptation for survival during hot, dry summer months, during which an animal becomes inactive; in accuracy - extent to which a measurement is in proximity to the standard or expected value.  nucleic acid - large organic compound that stores information that helps the body make the proteins it needs. cold-blooded - having a body temperature that can change somewhat with changes in the temperature of the environment. life zone - narrow region of space around a star in which a planet that contains life can exist. whitecap - bubbles in the crest of a breaking wave. ameba (amoeba) - microscopic, unicellular Protist that moves using pseudopod. muscle tear - separating of the fibers of a muscle by sudden force or stretching. nebular theory - idea that the solar system began in a vast gas cloud. Glossary - A Acid. year -  time required for the Earth to orbit once around the sun. As far as I can see the books are clean and have no writing; however I didn’t inspect every page but did a quick flipping … Please enter four valid words to play. cyclic behaviors - innate behaviors, such as migration or hibernation that occur in a repeated pattern, often in response to changes                 have not been disturbed. meteor - bright streak of light produced by a burning meteoroid in Earth’s atmosphere. differential weathering - process by which softer, less weather resistant rocks wear away at a faster rate than harder, more phloem - vascular tissue that carries dissolved food from the leaves to the rest of the plant. alluvial fan - fan-shaped deposit of sediment at the base of a slope, formed as water flows down the slope and spreads at the bottom. evidence - thing or things helpful in forming a conclusion or judgment.  rotation - spin of a body on its axis. Golgi apparatus (body) - secretory structure consisting of a stack of flat sacs that store and convert or modify proteins. Free Science worksheets, Games and Projects for preschool, kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade and 5th grade kids blue shift - shift toward the blue end of the spectrum of a star moving toward the Earth. physical change - change in which physical properties of a substance are altered, but the substance remains the same kind of family - classification group between order and genus; the oldest and most basic social unit. anther - part of the stamen that produces pollen.                                                                                                                                          1 centrifugal - motion away from the center of axis.  bile - substance produced by the liver that aids in digestion. sea cliff - steep face of rock produced by wave erosion. cold front - type of front that forms when a mass of cold air meets and replaces a mass of warm air. (physical weathering) warm-blooded - able to maintain a constant body temperature. windbreak - rows of trees planted between fields of crops to prevent wind erosion of soil. parent isotope and a stable daughter isotope.  cementation - process by which sediments are cemented together by minerals dissolved in water to form sedimentary rock. conservation - controlled use and/or maintenance of natural resources; the wise use of and preservation of natural resources. dome mountain - dome that has been worn away in places to form many separate peaks. Click on "6th grade Science vocabulary answers" and/or "Chapters" to go back to Science page. covalent bond - chemical bond between two atoms of the same or different elements in which each atom shares an electron.    independent variable - one factor changed by the person doing the experiment in order to study changes in the dependent                 abyssal zone. cyclone - area in the atmosphere that has lower pressure than the surrounding areas and has winds that spiral toward the center. marine climate - climate influenced by a nearby ocean, with generally mild temperatures and steady precipitation. insect - arthropod with three body segments, six legs, two antennae, and compound eyes. host - organism in which a parasite lives; a person or organism in whom an infectious pathogen can live and multiply. stock - intrusion similar to a batholith that has an exposed area of less than 100 square km. Play FlashCards with a 6th grade science list.                 statement or equation that reliably predicts events under certain conditions. the Earth’s crust and its movements. Archaea and Bacteria) constant - factor in an experiment that does not change. line graph - tool used to show the relationship between two variables. compaction - process by which layers of sediments are pressed together to form sedimentary rock. urea - nitrogenous waste formed in the liver. wind power - use of a windmill to drive an electric generator. oceanography - study of the Earth’s oceans, including their physical features, life forms, and natural resources.                 point; allows heavy loads to be lifted by using less force over a greater distance.  phase - state in which matter can exist; solid, liquid, gas and plasma are the states of matter; the change in the sunlit           area of one Abeka Grade 6 . microwave - high frequency electromagnetic wave used to cook or heat food. meniscus - surface of a liquid. isostasy - balance between the downward force of the crust and the upward force of the mantle. decomposer - any organism that feeds or obtains nutrients by breaking down organic matter from dead organisms.  test a hypothesis; includes all components of the scientific method.  producer - organism that makes its own food from the environment; usually a green plant.  (autotroph)  The repetition embedded in the practice and quizzes for the words will make any student comfortable with more complex terms. to trough; in compressional waves, is measured from one compression or rarefaction to the next.  vaccine - preparation  usually composed of dead or weakened viruses that help the body to develop active immunity         against a life cycle - entire sequence of events in an organism’s growth and development.  elevation - height of an object above sea level.                                                                                                             direction as the sun’s rotation. cinder - small volcanic bomb about the size of a golf ball. Protista (Protist) - kingdom made up of unicellular eukaryotic cells.  cardiac muscle - muscle found only in the heart. ventricle - lower chamber of the heart. deforestation - removal of trees and other vegetation from an area. reptile - cold-blooded vertebrate that has skin covered with scales or horny plates and lungs. get food by breaking down substances to absorb the nutrients. amino acid - building block of protein; an organic molecule containing an amino (-NH2) and a carboxyl(-COOH) group from which proteins are synthesized. desalination - process of removing salt from ocean water. main-sequence star - star located in an area that runs from the upper left to the lower right of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. oxbow lake - small lake formed when a bend in a river is cut off from the river. manufacture and transport of proteins. greenhouse gases - gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, that absorb and give off infrared radiation as part of         the nonmetal - element that is a poor conductor of heat and electricity, has a dull surface, low melting point, is brittle, breaks easily abiotic physical or nonliving factor in an ecosystem adaptation a trait which helps an organism or species survive alleles different forms of the same gene reproductive organs become functional. periosteum - tough membrane surrounding a long bone. base - substance that increases the OH­- concentration of a solution; a proton acceptor.­  coal - fossil fuel that forms underground from partially decomposed plant material. neritic zone - ocean area that extends from the low tide line to the end of a continental shelf. inhale - to breathe in. organisms and climatic factors.  weathering - natural process by which atmospheric and environmental agents, such as wind, rain, and temperature changes, swamp - type of freshwater wetland that has spongy, muddy land and lots of water. cryosphere - frozen part of the Earth’s surface; includes the polar ice caps, continental ice sheets, glaciers, sea ice, and permafrost.  dislocation - forcing a bone out of joint. biomass - plant material, manure, or any other organic matter that is used as an energy source. Plantae (Plant) - kingdom that is made up of multicellular eukaryotic cells that are usually green, have cell walls made of terminal moraine - ridge or rounded hill of till deposited at the front end of a glacier. endotherm - animal that maintains a constant body temperature. refraction - bending of a wave as it moves from one medium into another of different density. the rock material. responsibility - duty or obligation. fracture - mineral breakage that forms an irregular surface that may be rough or jagged; a bone break. cell - smallest, basic unit of structure and function in a living thing; building block of life. drought happen. rift valley - formed when the block of land between two normal faults slides downward; a long, narrow valley in Earth’s crust average speed - distance traveled divided by the time it takes to travel this distance. an Activity, Play and Learn full moon - phase of the moon when the entire lighted side of the moon is visible. waxing-gibbous - phase of the moon between one-half and full when the lighted area of the moon appears to grow larger. radioactivity - process by which an unstable nucleus gives off nuclear radiation. liter (L) - basic unit of volume in the metric system.                                                                                                               Good vocabulary can help you say what you mean. through the coil producing a magnetic field.  metamorphosis - developmental process in which an animal changes drastically in body form between the juvenile            and the adult; desert pavement - is a layer of gravel and larger stones left behind when dry winds blow away fine grained sediments. International System of Units (SI) - system of units used in science; metric system. Skills available for New York sixth-grade science standards Standards are in black and IXL science skills are in dark green. Mohs hardness scale - scale used to determine the hardness of a mineral. amplitude - measure of the energy a wave carries; the maximum distance that the particles of a wave’s medium vibrate from their rest position;  in any periodic function, the maximum absolute variation of the function.  space station - long-term orbiting platform from which other vehicles can be launched or scientific research can be carried out. periodic - describes something that occurs or repeats at regular intervals. information needed to synthesize proteins.  immune system - human body’s network of cells and organs that produce disease-fighting antibodies. transmitted - in the context of disease, passed from one individual to another. fjord - long, narrow sea inlet that is bordered by steep cliffs. groundwater - water that soaks into the ground and collects in the small spaces between bits of rock and soil. smog - combination of smoke and fog; air pollution that forms when ozone and vehicle exhaust react with sunlight. incubation - process of keeping eggs warm by bodily heat until they hatch. creep - slow downhill movement of weathered rock material. primary wave - fastest type of seismic wave, which can travel through solids, liquids, and gases; P wave. ocean crust - section of the Earth’s crust under the ocean floor.  constellation - group of stars in which people thought they saw imaginary figures of animals or people; a star pattern identified magnetic pole - one of two points, such as the ends of a magnet, that have opposing magnetic qualities. Earth system - all of the nonliving things, living things, and processes that make up the planet Earth, including the solid Earth, the infrared radiation - invisible heat energy from the sun. axis (plural-axes) - imaginary line drawn through the center of a body around which the body rotates or spins; a reference to the experiment - organized procedure that is carried out and repeated under controlled conditions in order to discover, demonstrate, or deep current - stream-like movement of ocean water far below the surface caused by differences in density. reproduce only among themselves and usually geographically distinct. sound - wide inlet of the ocean that is parallel to the coastline. gravity - force of attraction between objects that is due to their masses.  cavern - cave.                                                                                                                                                                                                 photosphere - lowest layer of the sun’s atmosphere. lava - hot, molten rock that has reached the Earth’s surface. anticline - upward fold in a rock layer. hydrosphere, the atmosphere, and the biosphere. wall of a plant cell; controls movement of materials into and out of the cell. Learn science vocabulary 6th grade 6 tomahawk chapter 1 with free interactive flashcards. cepheid variable - pulsating variable star; star that varies in brightness and size. photovoltaic cell - device that converts sunlight directly into electricity; solar cell. microbiology - study of microorganisms. herbivore - animal that eats only plants.  focus (plural-foci or focuses) - point beneath the Earth’s surface where rocks first break and move during an earthquake.                 altitude increases; strong, lower part of the mantle between the asthenosphere and the outer core. continental slope - steeply inclined section of the continental margin located between the continental rise and the continental           shelf. polar zone - climate zone in each hemisphere that extends from the pole to about 60o latitude. coma - cloud of gas and dust surrounding the nucleus of a comet. laccolith - dome-like intrusion that pushes overlying rocks into an arch and has a flat floor. increases its chance of survival in its environment;  a particular development, behavior, or physiological change in a population of organisms, in response to changes in the populations.  Learn science vocabulary grade 6 with free interactive flashcards. sun - closest star to Earth and the center of our solar system.  territory - area that an animal defends from other members of the same species and that contains food, shelter, and         potential - comparison of the effort force to the resistance for a machine; output force divided by input           force. investigation - procedure that is carried out in order to observe a response caused by a stimulus; not a complete experiment.  kidney - major excretory organ. anabolic (anabolism) - building up process. meteorology  - study of the Earth’s atmosphere, weather, and climate.                 rift valley that forms new ocean floor. Robinson projection - map projection that has accurate continent shapes and accurate land areas; has parallel latitude lines and eclipse - total or partial blocking out of the sun or moon by a shadow. nutrient - useable portion of food; a substance that an organism needs to live. prominence - solar storm in the form of huge bright arches or loops of gas from the sun; loop of relatively cool, incandescent gas What does Science glossary 6th grade mean ? antigen - any foreign substance that causes an immune response. new moon - phase of the moon when it is not visible in the sky. continental crust - section of the Earth’s crust that makes up the Earth’s landmasses. Astronomy Vs. Astrology Space KWL Vocabulary Ancient Astronomy Astrology Work Booklet Constellation Picker Instructions Constellation Picker … exocytosis - out of the cell. polar easterlies  - prevailing winds that blow from east to west between 60o and 90o latitude in both hemispheres. electromagnet - magnet consisting of a coil of wire wrapped around a core that becomes strongly magnetized when            current flows freezing - change of a liquid to a solid. reflecting telescope - optical telescope in which a series of mirrors gather light from the stars. control (controlled variable) - standard used for comparison in an experiment; experiment run exactly the same way as the Sixth grade science can be a challenging subject, since most study of middle school science at this level requires much concentration and effort. medium - material through which a wave travels.  (gas, liquid, or solid) cloud - collection of small water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the air, which forms when the air is cooled and condensation desert soil - soil found in dry regions that contains a large quantity of minerals. temperature inversion - atmospheric condition in which a layer of cool air containing pollutants is trapped under a layer of warm absorb and reradiate thermal energy;  prevents Earth from being too cold to support life. compressional wave - wave in which matter in the medium moves forward and backward in the same direction the wave travels. Source :, Web site link:, Author : not indicated on the source document of the above text. tidal range - difference in levels of ocean water at high tide and low tide. yellowish liquid portion of the blood. penumbra - outer area of a shadow cast by an object in space onto another object in space in which the light is only           partly                 blocked. barometer - instrument that measures air pressure in the atmosphere. energy efficiency - measurement of useable energy after an energy conversion; the ratio of useable energy to the total energy after biotic factor - living thing in an ecosystem; describes the living part of the environment relating to, caused by, or Mathematics to solve real-life problems and inner spaces of bones, of one substance to dissolve in another at given! Petroleum - liquid mixture of two or more minerals or organic matter object from an otherwise straight due... 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