how to use parentsquare for teachers

Do they have an attachment they need to share? Posting a message is a great first step. Do you have a savvy ParentSquare user who can sit down and provide 1-on-1 support to a teacher who is struggling? ParentSquare Training Courses Learn how to use ParentSquare with our easy-to-follow in-depth training courses The most important part is how parents can be partners in their student’s learning. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number. ParentSquare caters to every parent, including those who rarely use technology. Welcome to our blog, where our community stays connected! "ParentSquare is the best tool we’ve invested in all year. Teachers can utilize our two-way platform and send out calendar events, get rsvps, share photos or files, ask for items and request volunteers. Let parents know what they should be prepared to discuss — any changes at home, should their student be present, and a reminder to be punctual. Designed specifically to help preK-12 educators, ParentSquare reaches and engages every parent with automated email, text and app alerts, language translation and 24/7 access. This article offers wonderful tips to help parents combat COVID-19 burnout, if you’d like to pass it along. Powerful metrics on parent engagement helps school administrators take well-informed steps to improving parental involvement. Think about what they may need in order to accomplish that and what you ideally want parents to do at home. ParentSquare is a simple collaborative platform for school-home communication that facilitates parental engagement in children’s education. Students also better understand their strengths and challenges and the correlation between their effort, progress, and resulting work quality. It also helps staff more easily manage distributions. Camas School District is now using ParentSquare for District and school communication. With ParentSquare for Android, parents can easily connect with teachers and staff at their children’s school from their Android device. Here’s what you can do with ParentSquare: Receive messages from the school via email, text or app notification. You will We just welcomed in the New Year, but spring parent-teacher conferences will be here before we know it! It’s raised the quality of our communication with our families and best of all, our parents, teachers, and staff all love it! Admin: Make sure teachers/staff are aware that parents can send them direct messages via ParentSquare and that they regularly check their email or ParentSquare. Choose to receive information as it comes or all at once at 6 p.m. daily. Plan on talking only about 25% of the time. From here, you can send a direct message to your child's teacher that only you and the teacher can see. It provides a safe way for the school principal, teachers, staff, and parents to s end and receive school and class information, s hare pictures and files, s ee calendar items, s ign up to volunteer, and much more... all in one centralized place! Steilacoom Historical School District uses ParentSquare for school communication, primarily with email, text and app notifications. are experiencing pandemic burnout. With Alexa, parents can ask for school or homework updates. We encourage parents to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified. Join the discussion on Twitter (@ParentSquare) and Facebook ( Did you know? Extend the learning to the home for student success. Whether your district is remote, hybrid, or on-site, help parents know what to expect at the conference. Help teachers understand the value of PS. ParentSquare will help align communications procedures from the district level to the classroom. Teachers/staff can click on the link in the email to reply. Teachers also have the ability to indicate special conference slots for English learner families, so interpreter services can be provided. Get the help you need during the school year — item requests and volunteer sign ups. The app allows parents to: Contact your child's teacher privately by using our direct messaging tool. Allow yourself a buffer between meetings so parents don’t feel rushed through the conference. Parents tend to become more reflective about their children’s progress and understand how to help at home through this modality. Handcraft a thank you. We are excited to let you know that this year we'll be using ParentSquare to communicate with you at the classrooms, school and group i.e. This is especially useful right now during the pandemic, when many parents may be in need of additional help/support with vital social services like food distribution programs. Single message for all ParentSquare automatically distributes messages via email, text or app notification depending on what parents prefer. Stay Connected to Everything from ParentSquare. Want to learn more about how your district or school can leverage ParentSquare's Conference Sign Up feature? Designed specifically to help preK-12 educators, ParentSquare reaches and engages every parent with automated email, text and app alerts, language translation and 24/7 access. Districts and schools can use this incredible ParentSquare feature to better serve students during the pandemic and well-beyond. Stay Connected to Everything from ParentSquare. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number on file with your student’s school. ParentSquare offers a lot of features for teachers, but it can be overwhelming to try to learn everything at once. Have a list handy of educational apps and community resources for the family. This is the way the school will communicate with families about current events, emergencies, and other information. In the past, we have used Remind and a variety of other tools to communicate with school families. Remember the parents want to leave this meeting feeling that you truly care for their child. ParentSquare is a simple collaborative platform for school-home communication that facilitates parental engagement in children’s education. Their groups and classes are already set up for them and all parents are a part of their class — whether they have email or only phone. Because these health screening forms are managed through the ParentSquare platform, identifying information about the student or staff member is pre-populated from data the school already has, and the information remains secure and private. An account is automatically generated for each parent/guardian, using the contact information in Skyward so that you can get important, urgent, and emergency communications. Parent-Teacher Conferences: Best Practices and New Use Cases — ParentSquare Blog We just welcomed in the New Year, but spring parent-teacher conferences will be here before we know it! A: Many teachers already began the year using other communication tools and may continue to do so. Discuss the child's social and emotional behavior along with their academic progress. I use it weekly for my Friday Newsletters (which bring families up-to-date on what’s happening in their child’s classroom), event reminders, as well as to request volunteers and materials. Start with one thing and build from there. Please go to “New Post” and create a post about your class project. Include some online resources for parents, such as these: Tips for Successful Parent-Teacher Conferences at Your Child's School and 20 Questions to Ask During a Parent-Teacher Conference. We would love to read them and share forward. Teachers may need some additional training resources to get started. January 15th, 2021 Waterloo Families, Waterloo CSD will soon be rolling out ParentSquare. For school bus or on-campus health screening scenarios, teachers and staff can easily use ParentSquare to record results for students. Join the discussion on Twitter (@ParentSquare) and Facebook ( Continue the conversation on the ParentSquare Learning Network, an active community discussing how to engage parents in emerging topics. ParentSquare offers the capability to ask for both parent volunteers and items on ParentSquare. ParentSquare is designed to keep parents informed and facilitate participation at school. Easy Translation Teachers can use ParentSquare’s state-of-the-art Google Translation (NMT) that uses contextual translation vs. phrase-based translation to reach non-english speaking families.If you have any success stories and ideas, please share them with us. "ParentSquare is the best tool we’ve invested in all year. For school bus or on-campus health screening scenarios, teachers and staff can easily use ParentSquare to record results for students. Leave the rest open for Q&A and exchange of thoughts and ideas. The user experience is well thought out and the product speaks for itself." ParentSquare is a simple collaborative platform for school-home communication that facilitates parental engagement in children’s education. Designed specifically to help preK-12 educators, ParentSquare reaches and engages every parent with automated email, text and app alerts, language translation and 24/7 access. For Administrators: How to Get Reluctant Teachers to Start Using ParentSquare. It is a good idea to have some work from each child displayed in the classroom if you’re face-to-face, or ready to screen-share with parents, if you’re meeting remotely. You can also send messages to other staff members at the school, such as your child's coaches and club leaders. Schools and districts use ParentSquare Conference sign-ups to safely schedule on-campus pick-ups and drop-offs. ParentSquare Activation: Based on the information you provide in Aeries, you will be sent an invitation to join ParentSquare before the start of school year. AUSD will primarily be using Google and Zoom for distance learning, as well as ParentSquare for communications. The more parents know what is going on in the class the more successful students will be. It provides a safe way for administrators, teachers, staff, groups and parents to connect and effectively communicate. ParentSquare Bonus: Safely Schedule On-Campus Pick-Ups/Drop-Offs. It’s raised the quality of our communication with our families and best of all, our parents, teachers, and staff all love it! It seems like we just welcomed in the New Year, but spring parent-teacher conferences will be here before we know it, and it can be a lot of work! Powerful metrics on parent engagement helps school administrators take well-informed steps to improving parental involvement. - Leah Davis, Principal, Subscribe to Our BlogSign up to receive blog updatesby email. On the ParentSquare App, you can tap on “+” sign to start a new message. (Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in February 2018 and has been updated for freshness, accuracy and comprehensiveness.). We hear that teachers can be overwhelmed with the many platforms at school, they may not be as tech savvy or they just haven’t had time to get on ParentSquare and start using it.Here are a few tips and resources to help get your teachers onboard: How can ParentSquare meet a practical need they have in their classroom? Teachers: learn how you can quickly start using ParentSquare in your class. Parent-Teacher Conferences - Best Practices & New Use Cases, Tips for Successful Parent-Teacher Conferences at Your Child's School, 20 Questions to Ask During a Parent-Teacher Conference. Do they need to contact an individual parent? Welcome parents, teachers, and staff to ParentSquare!! ParentSquare is a simple collaborative platform for school-home communication that facilitates parental engagement in children’s education. Going this route will require you to use your Lakota-issued email to sign into ParentSquare from here on out. Send your teacher(s) a photo of it now and mail it to them … Log into ParentSquare today. bus number level. We encourage parents to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified. To merge the accounts together, simply send an email to letting them know that you would like to merge your parent account into your Lakota-issued account. Welcome to our blog, where our community stays connected! Start with their need and show them how ParentSquare meets that need. Additionally, teachers can also designate times for certain families if they wish. Communicate in your preferred language. Do they need a chaperone for a school field trip? Below please find our online training links. ParentSquare for Android ————————-With ParentSquare for Android, parents can easily connect with teachers and staff at their children’s school from their Android device. Here are two great articles from Scholastic that outline student-led conferences and K-12 teacher quotes on successful parent-teacher conferences. 5. Handmade Card. In the student-led conference format, students and teachers prepare together, and then students lead the conference while teachers facilitate. NewsRemote Communications TipsParent EngagementCustomer StoriesFor School LeadersFor EducatorsFor ParentsResourcesProductLearning NetworkGuest PostsMeet the Team. Learn more at No setup for teachers Teachers can simply start posting. ParentSquare is a parent engagement tool that helps teachers and staff easily communicate and collaborate with parents. All they need to do is enable the Alexa skill that matches the system your school uses - whether it's Canvas, Infinite Campus, ParentSquare, or Kickboard. Extend learning home ParentSquare lets you share pictures and messages about what is going on in the class without burdening parents’ inboxes (Parents can opt for a digest of all messages). For school bus or on-campus health screening scenarios, teachers and staff can easily use ParentSquare to record results for students. Powerful metrics on parent engagement helps school administrators take well-informed steps to improving parental involvement. - Leah Davis, Principal, Subscribe to Our BlogSign up to receive blog updatesby email. No setup for teachers Teachers can simply start posting. Or, you can type the first three letters of a name in the recipient box for other users to auto-populate. Teachers, There is now a convenient way for parents to stay informed with school or homework updates – just have them ask Alexa. Sometimes there are a few teachers at schools who have been reluctant to start using ParentSquare. Single message for all ParentSquare automatically distributes messages via email, text or app notification depending on what parents prefer. By fall 2021, ParentSquare will be the only tool we use. Parents: On the web, you can click “Messages” in the sidebar and start a direct conversation by clicking “New Message”. One central tool — combines social media, shutterfly, sign up genius, evite into one platform. This helps make sure you don’t have long waiting lines, so you can keep the number of people on-campus low. Get the latest article around parent engagement emailed right to your inbox. We are getting and posting translations for these materials as quickly as we can. ParentSquare is an integral part of my classroom communication because it helps bridge the gap between busy families, and busy teachers! Follow along for ParentSquare's parent-teacher conference best practices and new use cases. It is an easy way to book parents in for curbside-technology pick-ups, library book drop-offs, course material pick-ups, etc. Never miss an update. Here are some web resources, best practices for teachers to consider, and how to leverage ParentSquare’s Conferences feature—including new use cases! In addition to all the planning for conferences, teachers are faced with the daunting task of scheduling time slots that work for each family. Continue the conversation on the ParentSquare Learning Network, an active community discussing how to engage parents in emerging topics. ParentSquare Teachers Teacher Training 101 (IN1) This training is designed to empower teachers to start communicating with your class(es) right away and message individual users. Explain the value of ParentSquare One central tool ParentSquare combines multiple sites they may be using like Shutterfly, Sign-Up-Genius, Evite, Permission Slips, Payments, Forums, and Groups into one platform. Their groups and classes are already set up for them and all parents are a part of their class — whether they have email or only phone. Student-led conferences are a win-win for the teacher, student and the parent. Provide guidance and set expectations — whether on paper or online. This will be our primary platform for school communication from Monroe One BOCES moving forward. No setup for teachers and parents receive notifications in their preferred manner — email, text or app. ... and easier for teachers … Starting this year, Northeastern Wayne Schools will be using the new parent engagement tool to connect our school community. Follow along for ParentSquare's parent-teacher conference best practices and new use cases. Remember that you want to engage parents so they can support their child's learning at home. Please use the links below to access information and tutorials on how to use these platforms. 4. Learn more at For more information or a demo, please contact our sales team today! Follow along for ParentSquare's parent-teacher conference best practices and new use cases. ParentSquare provides a simple and safe way for everyone at school to connect. Rehearse beforehand if needed! ParentSquare makes online conference sign-up easy to set-up, in less than five minutes...and the best part, no paper! Designed specifically to help preK-12 educators, ParentSquare reaches and engages every parent with automated email, text and app alerts, language translation and 24/7 access. ParentSquare Basics Training — 30-minute training video, Refresher Webinars — Sign up for a live webinar. ParentSquare can only recognize you as a parent/guardian if your school has the same email and/or textable cell phone information for you in our system. You will need to create an account with Monroe One even if your home district already uses ParentSquare. ParentSquare Teachers Teacher Training 101 (IN1) This training is designed to empower teachers to start communicating with your class (es) right away and message individual users. The user experience is well thought out and the product speaks for itself." Even five minutes between can make a difference if a conference is running long. This can be just the thing to get them over the hump and give them the confidence to start using ParentSquare. On the home page, click on "Messaging" in the left sidebar. NewsRemote Communications TipsParent EngagementCustomer StoriesFor School LeadersFor EducatorsFor ParentsResourcesProductLearning NetworkGuest PostsMeet the Team. Then, in the left sidebar you can select both "Ask for Items" and "Request Volunteers." You will see their child's teacher and group owners in the quick-select recipients box at the top of the page. This is especially important if you are in a remote or hybrid learning scenario, as many students (and parents!) ParentSquare is designed to give you a safe, easy way to get information from principals, teachers and staff. ParentSquare is a two-way private communication platform for preschools and K-12 schools. By fall 2021, ParentSquare will be the only tool we use. The best way to use ParentSquare is by downloading the free mobile app for iOS or Android. 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