electric blue ram cichlid tank mates

We have 1 male dwarf gourami, 8 diamond tetras, 11 neon tetras and 1 electric blue balloon ram. The Ram cichlids, also known as Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi is a peaceful small-sized fish. But because this fish is under the radar, there’s some conflicting information when it comes to their care. ... Actually over stocking keeps aggression down. All these points are desirable to perform, but not the obligatory ones. Brine shrimp, tubifex, and bloodworms are all great. Yellow, gold and black with blue are the coloration of the head and chest with a red patch on the belly. There will often be some dots/spots on their fins (with the exception of the ventral fins) too. Invest in some solid filtration as well. If you want to maximize your chances, get some juveniles and let them become a mating pair. Parents functions during this period are to waff the eggs with their fins to form the flow, eggs ventilation and sweeping away particles of dirt, removing the dead eggs and putting the fallen ones back on the substrate. The average size of a German Blue Ram is around 2 to 3 inches in length when fully grown. They include the blue ram, German ram, Gold ram […] Aeration itself isn’t required, but slow water flow is desirable. Author Note: If this disease is confirmed you’ll need to wear gloves when doing anything in the tank. Any advise I … Again, this is because most of their time in the wild is spent tucked away in thick vegetation. Fri Nov 25, 2011 4:24 pm. Electric Blue Cichlid Tank Mates. German Blue Ram Tank Mates. Most of the time, the dominant color on the front half of their body is yellow, and the dominant color on the back half is blue. Learn more. Most cichlids are known for their aggression but the Electric Blue Acara is the well-behaved child in the family. At one point these fish were considered to be a kind of Apistogramma. Filter can be both internal and external although the latter is more preferable. They’ll leave the little critters alone and go about their business! The German blue ram has been given many different common names in English, many of them alluding to the beautiful coloration of this species or to a specific strain. However, juveniles obtained from the eggs incubated in water under the lowest level of temperature range are also weak. Weekly water renew and siphonate of the bottom are crucial. Ram Cichlids Tank Mates You are going to have little to no problems introducing tank mates for your Ram Cichlid. You’ll often see a mix of yellow, blue, red, and orange all over their body. If this unfortunate situation happens in your aquarium, consult a vet and follow their instructions. I just find it odd that most stores have looked at these photos and told me that BOTH are male, especially the ram cichlid I believe is a female (because of her front fin which is significantly longer), although I was under the impression that electric blue cichlid rams … They are known as one of the best Cichlids, due to their peaceful nature and beautiful colors. He swims with them along the spawning pond and teaches them to feed. If conditions allow try to simulate also the community tank interior in a spawning pond, which will reduce the time required for the fish to adapt to new conditions and it’ll speed up the breeding. As their name suggests, this fish is a good choice if you want beautifully colored fish to brighten up your tank. Male can be easily distinguished from a female by its brighter abdomen, the male abdomen is either orange or red. While this might seem like something that applies to all fish, this species can be especially affected by subpar water conditions. Pay close attention to the fish you intend to … For the same reason it’s better not to let the eggs contact with air, i.e. Treating fish TB requires the antibiotics that you’ll need to get from a vet. You can put fallen leaves of the trees on the bottom to create the environment close to the wild one. The Blue Ram is a peaceful cichlid that can be housed together with other dwarf cichlids or peaceful non-cichlid fish. The purposeful interbreeding of the blue acara and the electric blue ram led to the dominant traits of the acara being expressed (larger size, spiky dorsal fin, long anal fin), and the dominant colors of the ram expressed. Even the most low-powered filter in such a small tank creates over-intensive water flow. Blue rams are not flexible when it comes to temperature. In case of eggs artificial incubation the process is almost the same, except for the bottom coating and decorations which already aren’t necessary at the very first stage. The German blue ram can become at least 3 years old. Would I be able to add an opaline/three spot/blue gourami afterwards? Breeding German Blue Rams is very simple. Water layer can be not thick – 8-10 cm, since in the wild fish spawn only in fleet water. There are many different types of aquarium catfish out there. Author Note: This is quite small for a cichlid, making them a very approachable species if you don’t have a lot of room. Also known as the Electric Blue Hap, Sciaenochromis fryeri, the Electric Blue Cichlid is a commonly seen fish in the hobby. You can also consider some floating plants as well since this species doesn’t need a lot of light (more on that a bit further down). You have a lot of options when it comes to the kind of plants you want to include. Also take into account the fact that there is a lot of weak fish, which dies either right after it was bought or in a year after. While the practical benefits of owning this fish are certainly a plus, the main draw is their striking blue appearance. If any tank mates are too boisterous, the Ram will hide perpetually and will not thrive. Tank mates for yellow labs? German Blue Ram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) – A dwarf cichlid species, the German blue ram only grows to about 2 inches long. He does it several times a day. They’re found in tanks…, The 15 Best Types Of Freshwater Aquarium Catfish, Clown Loach Care: Tank Size, Food, Lifespan, Tank Mates…, Indian Almond Leaves: Benefits For Your Aquarium, The 35 Best Low Light Aquarium Plants (Must-See), 35 Peaceful Community Fish For Your Tank (Updated List), Malaysian Trumpet Snail 101: Detailed Info & Care Tips. The most serious health issue that German Blue Rams have a tendency to develop is fish tuberculosis, which can be rather unpleasant. So, it will ignore the large shrimps, but the small ones will be treated as feed. The Blue Ram is from South America and any PEACEFUL cichlid from there will work. But it’s not exactly like this since butterfly cichlid can’t be found in Amazon river, but it is widely spread in its basin, in the rivers and streams joining the river. It’s possible for these fish to uproot them when they’re churning up the substrate.This also makes hardy plants a good decision as well. Earlier its scientific name was Paplilochromis ramirezi and Apistogramma ramirezi, but in 1998 it was renamed into Mikrogeophagus ramirezi. The German Blue Ram Cichlid is one of the most underrated freshwater species you can find. In addition it should be said that depending on the breeders age and the level of readiness their eggs laying can number from 70-80 to 300-400 oval eggs (in some references the number are different: 72-80 eggs, under 27-30 °C — 45-50 eggs. The recommended tank size for German Blue Ram Cichlids is 20 gallons. Choose the substrate thoughtfully. There are several variations of this Cichlid for sale in this online store. Adult Length – 7cm. If you have intention to keep several couples then the tank has to be spacious and have covers, since the fish just like all cichlids sticks to its territory. Find some mates for your blue ram cichlid! Pin By Bunny Simi On Fish Tank Tropical Fish Aquarium. Ram Cichlids. Comments: These are fabulous fish with vibrant colors. It has red eyes, yellow head, blue and violet iridescent body with a black spot on it and bright fins. The electric blue acara fish is a subset of the aequidens pulcher species. This band is rather thick and can’t be missed. They will need a little bit extra care in maintaining them. While they’ll technically survive, the extra space we recommend will significantly impact their overall health and happiness in the long term. But it’s not exactly like this since cichlid can’t be found in Amazon river, but it is widely spread in its basin, in the rivers and streams joining the river. Also sellers tend to use hormones and injections to make fish more attractive before selling it. While Blue Rams aren’t true bottom-dwellers, they will spend a lot of time near the substrate digging around. During the spawning period cichlid is fed once a day with small amount of live bloodworm, white worm. Many beginners are nervous about the prospect of managing a 70+ gallon tank, so a small and beautiful fish like this is a great choice. They make a perfect first fish for beginner owners because of the easy care! The flashing yellows, blues, and greens appeal to any discerning eye. Mature males develop more pointed dorsal fins than females and also grow larger at about 2 inches (5 cm) in length. The body of the male fish is a dark, electric blue with some black banding. Longer tanks are advised over deeper ones, and this is preferred as the fish will often swim full lengths of the tank back and forth. 77 degrees, so they all can be happy. Blue Ram Blue Ram. By the way, if you have bought a couple of cichlids it doesn’t mean at all that they will breed. Ram is significantly less aggressive then other cichlids, but it’s rather more complicated in care and it’s far more fanciful. Wash the container thoroughly, cover its bottom put a thin layer of clean send or small gravel on it (1-2 cm is enough), fell it with water and let the water defecate. It gives them kind of a bandit look! A male and female put together by the aquarist may or may not bond, and if they do not, the female (usually) will be dead before too long. German blue ram has to be fed 2-3 times a day with small portions of feed. In the references the threshold of 36 °C is also mentioned – at that electric eggs grows so rapidly that it there is no time for it to be affected by saprolegniosis. As far as the other common kinds of diseases that this species might get, the best way to prevent them is by keeping your water quality in great shape. I recommend that you use an Aqurium stocking site called AqAdvisor. As it was mentioned above the eggs left without any care are rather sensitive to external influences. Water circulation is formed by means of long tube sprayer fastened along the narrow wall 3-4 cm away from the water surface. They’re quite peaceful and their list of compatible tank mates is rather long (we’ll get into this further on). In order to work around this, we recommend giving them more of the frozen protein-rich foods we mentioned above. Usually about one third from the total amount can’t make it to the stage which can be called marketable (the body length is about 2 cm). 3. The Electric Blue Ram is a small bright blue fish with an oval shaped body and pointed fins and tail. The only problem is that I need to keep the water a little cooler than I would like. The Electric Blue Ram color morph was first developed in 2009, when selectively breeding of the Electric Blue Ram, in which breeders have isolated and accentuated the natural blue … You should avoid putting in any fish that are larger than these cichlids, as this can spark aggressive competitive behavior among them. The Blue Ram Cichlid is a stocky fish with bright grey/blue flanks. The region “Los llanos” means flat plains in Spanish, which describes the area well. The good tank mates for German Blue Ram Cichlids are swordtail fish, guppies, mollies, and plates. The result of such selection was the emergence of a unique and unusually beautiful fish, which was so loved by aquarists around the world. As a rule it takes male and female about 2-3 days to get used to the new environment, then the breeding follows. Fri Nov 25, 2011 4:16 pm. Blue Rams need a minimum tank size of 75 litres. Author Note: It’s also necessary for you to perform partial water changes on a consistent basis. Would an electric blue ram be a good tankmate for these guys? Tank Mates for Electric Blue Rams? 6. From time to time one of the parent take some egg into its mouth, “chews it”and then puts it back. The black spot in the middle of the body … Above: In the picture, just above, an incredibly colorful young premium quality Electric Blue Ram Cichlid , is swimming in one of our aquariums, when one of us snapped this picture . We plan on keeping these fish for quite a while. Sergey is a founder and author of Meethepet.com. They aren't quite as hardy as the regular GBR. Common Name: Electric Blue Ram, Ram, German Ram, Blue Ram Scientific Name: Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi, Apistograma Ramirezi Average Adult Fish Size: 7 cm / 2.7 inches Place of Origin: Orinoco River basin of Venezuela and Colombia. Microworms or infusoria can be used as start feed. In fact, they’re one of the most popular…, Clown Loaches are one of the most popular freshwater fish in the aquarium scene. Most of the time these are either bright blue or yellow. As for the interaction with shrimps – it must be said that no matter that the cichlid is small it is still a cichlid. Tank Mates: Compatible with: Silver dollar, discus, dwarf gourami, neon tetra, angelfish, cardinal tetra, rummy nose tetra, guppies, kribensis, bettas, clown loach, kuhli loach, and corydoras Incompatible with: Big aggressive fish like jaguar cichlid and green terror: Suitable Position in the Tank: Bottom: Feeding. I recommend that you use an Aqurium stocking site called AqAdvisor. They will need a little bit extra care in maintaining them. They are among the most peaceful fish you can find. Under careful maintenance this cichlid lives for about 4 years, which isn’t much, but for the fish of such a small size it’s a rather long time. Ram Cichlids – Care, Tank Mates, Feeding, Breeding & More The ram cichlid is a freshwater species adapted to living in the Orinoco River basin in South America. Maximum Size and Longevity Maximum size 4-6cm, with a life span of 4-5 years. Ram fish can inhabit alone as well as a couple. So we’re going to set the record straight. During mating time, males guarding the eggs may display aggressive behavior towards approaching fish, so you must consider this when breeding your Blue Rams. There will also usually be some very dark blue or black patches hear from the front of their dorsal fin and middle of their body. In their natural habitat, German Blue Rams will spend most of their time using vegetation to hide. Feeding German Blue Rams is not very challenging. Mikrogeophagus ramirezi lives in the Orinoco river basin (Venezuela, Columbia). After ich fry chips the temperature is gradually decreased to the common values. It is better to use send and small gravel as a tank bottom, since dwarf ram cichlid likes digging it. First two days ich fry stays on the substrate (parents put the fallen ones back on the substrate) and then the male starts moving them to the pits in the bottom made in advance. To accommodate them, a sandy substrate is usually ideal. Recommended Tank Size : 30 Litres + Strata : Bottom. Special Requirements - The Ram prefers lighting to be subdued and this will help them become less timid. While they’re normally peaceful, breeding makes them territorial and might result in them going after other fish. Its brightly colored physique is of high ornamental value which is why the demand for them is great in the market. Tanks Mates and … Ram Cichlid Care Size Lifespan Tankmates Breeding. They’re quite peaceful and their list of compatible tank mates … Mikrogeophagus ramirezi was first described in 1948. I will be setting up a 75 gallon tank soon and plan on buying a baby Electric blue Dempsey (I’ve always wanted one) only a couple inches long. The way to success in cichlid breeding is to eliminate these issues. Aquarium Electric blue Acara tank mates is great topic today. They are dwarf new-world cichlids, and there are several types you might consider: Bolivian Ram; German Blue Ram; Electric Blue Ram However, through the years he’s had experience of keeping almost all types of freshwater fish and shrimps. Although in nature body length reaches about 7 cm. The aquarium can be decorated in the style of its native river in the South America. Most cichlids are known for their aggression but the Electric Blue Acara is the well-behaved child in the family. To start, stick with the parameters below. They can also easily get along with different characins such as the bloodfin tetra, black neon tetra, neon tetra, and rummy nose tetra as well. Water Quality • Temperature: 24°C - 28°C. This makes them quite a fun fish to watch. This isn’t 100% necessary, but it makes things a whole lot easier. If you are about to set up a community aquarium, however, then you will need at least a 29-gallon tank. A lot of newer aquarists don’t even know this exists since it’s not as common as a disease like Ich (which they can get as well). By this time the female is already taken out of the spawning pond. This assumes that you’re providing them with excellent care and an optimal habitat. Diet: Omnivorous and can feed on flakes, pellets as well as live foods: Frequency : 2 – 3 times a day: … They’re absolutely beautiful, peaceful, and compatible with a number of different tank mates. The male is larger than female cichlid and it has more sharpened dorsal. Although these cichlids can show the signs of attack, but it’s rather done to make one scared than to attack really. See more ideas about cichlids, aquarium fish, tropical fish. When this happens, you might find that it’s a bit hard to feed them. So again the thing mainly is in the preferences of the certain couple. Swimming juveniles is still under the male care. German Blue Ram care is nothing to be intimidated by. German blue ram cichlids don’t like a lot of water flow, so use baffles around air filters and pumps, but do provide low-flow air stones to keep enough oxygen flowing in the tank. Members of the dwarf cichlid group, these gorgeous fish require less room than some of their larger counterparts. Since these variations such as electric blue or gold Ramirez’s, for instance, are the result of inbreeding and of the following degradation of fish due to intragenic breeding. We've noticed that our ram gets stressed at … Taking into account the existence of different colors – gold, electric blue, albino etc., so it must be said that it’s very much worth seeing. For the tank conditions, start with the base water parameters and gradually increase the temperature. Stable level of fish number growth are obtained at the account of timely switch of juveniles feed to the one appropriate to their age and to the tank capacity. If you have time and possibility it’s desirable to use water after osmosis, but at least 3-4 days should pass between this procedure and putting fish into the water. I am not sure your tank is quite big enough in as much as foot print to handle multiple species but perhaps one more species will work. These fish are omnivores and are not very picky! My German Ram Cichlid lives with three male platies and 10 Harlequin Rasboras and 8 Cardinal tetras. German Blue Ram Care and Tank Setup. I am not sure your tank is quite big enough in as much as foot print to handle multiple species but perhaps one more species will work. I have a 30 gallon cycled tank, with 6 pearl danios, and 7 harliquin rasboras. We’ve been a fan of this fish for years and always encourage other aquarists to give this species a shot! Electric blue rams are still less commonly available than other ram varieties, and may be more expensive. The fact that cichlids were kept in a tank has affected negatively their parental functions. But if possible it’s better to keep them isolated up to their puberty which gives the ability to watch if they get enough feed and if they aren’t pressured by the adult fish. They aren't quite as hardy as the regular GBR. Lastly, it’s a good idea to have a bit of a slow current to mimic their natural habitat. By only 2-3 degrees Fahrenheit. I’m trying to think of some good tank mates for his early growing days. Don’t worry about the cichlid’s behavior as they are known to be peaceful fish. They flourish … It’s desirable to measure the amount of ammonia in the water every week. Ramirezi is known as one of the best types of cichlid fishes for those who decided to try to keep this kind of fish in a tank. When other aquarists flock to the more popular freshwater creatures, they’re missing out on all the amazing things this fish has to offer! Ram cichlid is a small, colorful cichlid with an oval shaped body and high fins. Ram Cichlids Fish Tank Requirements. Aequidens pulcher) for long period of time was one of the most popular South America cichlid fishes kept in a tank for many generations of aquarists. Sand, lots of covers, flowerpots, snags and thick bushes. It’s undesirable to use frozen and dry feed, since it can lead to pulp occurrence. His favorite aquariums are biotopes (Amazon River),  with Echinodorus and Angelfish. You’ll often see these fish hiding out among the plants, or digging through the substrate. It’s worth pointing out that these fish can be a little bit fussy when they’re still getting used to their tank. The Electric Blue Dwarf Rams are the most popular of the Cichlids. We like water wisteria and hornwort, but there are a ton of others you can choose from. 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