diamond neon tetra lifespan

They are omnivores and need a pH of 5.8 to 7.5. The plants need to provide adequate shelter from the light, as these fish do not like bright lights. We recommend a tank size of at least 15 gallons when keeping these fish. Choose a balanced formula that meets their nutritional needs. During their mating games they very often spawn, but it is almost impossible to save the eggs in the community tank. Venezuela is a birthplace of the diamond tetra or, more precisely – coastal area of Lake Valencia (Carabobo State), Aragua and Guacara rivers. Feeding them is easy: give the juveniles infusorian during the first two days. Usually the female lays 350-400 eggs from which only less than 40-60% are fertilized during the first spawning. They also have nice large abdominal, dorsal and anal fins when they become reproductive. They look like tiny glimmering torpedoes shooting around the tank. Recently, glofish tetra and lemon tetra have also been introduced, so you can have a shimmering school of tetra fish in your tank. Fortunately, most of the common diseases are easy to avoid if you stay on top of water conditions. The body and fins coloring gets darker and the scales have bronze tint. They aren’t picky, so finding suitable meals should be a cinch! They’re beautiful, easy to care for, and a lot of fun to watch. Top of the fish iris is red. For vegetables, diamond tetras like simple snacks like lettuce. Since the fish is a renown one, it is massively bred, which means that it is adapted to local conditions. The diamond tetra (scientific name: Moenkhausia pittieri) is an eye-catching species that goes by many other names. The Diamond Tetra is famed for its striking appearance. While hardy, diamond tetras still need a well-maintained environment and top-notch diet to stave off disease and stay healthy. Water in the spawning tank should be soft and acidic in the range of pH 5,5-6,5, GH 1-5. Several handfuls of dry leaves (beech or oak tree ones) will complete the simulation of the natural biotope look. Author Note: The quality of care you provide will have a big impact on the lifespan … Add some spawning mops or clumps of java moss to the bottom of the tank. Their dorsal is rounded and the rest of their fins are shorter, than those of the male. The average diamond tetra size is about 2 to 2.4 inches in length for adults. But we don’t recommend trying that out unless you have some experience. The fish requires soft, slightly acidic and very clean water. Author Note: Make sure you go out and purchase an aquarium test kit that’s reliable and accurate. Mix and match foreground plants, tall stem plants, and floating plants. It’s a common sight in the pet trade and continues to be a favorite among fish-lovers around the globe. When you keep this number of species in a group, any fights they have happen inside the group without hurting any other fishes in the tank. Family: Characidae. As a result, this species has relatively clear-cut sexual dimorphism, which comes in handy during the breeding season. A larger tank will create more swimming space while also making it easier to maintain water conditions. Its body is characterized by silver-gray scales with orange, gold, and green hues. As long as you catch the problem early on, you can quarantine the fish and mitigate the spread to others in the community. Occasional plant and protein-based snacks are good, too! But once you do, it’s smooth sailing from there. Now, add live plants. In fact, they’re one of the most popular…, Clown Loaches are one of the most popular freshwater fish in the aquarium scene. The lifespan is about 5 years. This tetra can also damage tank plants, so it’s recommended to provide it with vegetable supplements to the diet. Use river sand as the bottom substrate and add some branchy snags. To care for neon tetra, feed them 2-3 times every day. Many owners have seen success using diamond tetras as dither fish for medium-sized cichlids. One final noteworthy characteristic of the diamond tetra is the eyes. This fish can also be kept in a tank with Amazon biotope, though diamond tetra doesn’t dwell in Amazon river. Diamond tetras do fine with standard filtration systems. Keep them in schools of 5 or more for better results and to help limit any agression or fin nipping. You can breed them in single pairs or larger groups of 12. Harlequin Rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha) is a small freshwater fish from Southeast Asia.They are from the streams of Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. The average diamond tetra lifespan is anywhere between three and six years in captivity. Neon tetra - Paracheirodon innesi; Buenos Aires tetra (Hyphessobrycon anisitsi). After they become free-swimming, provide fry food, such as infusoria or baby brine shrimp. Aug 31, 2018 - Characin fish guide for Diamond Tetra, Moenkhausia pittieri, Diamond Characin profile, fish pictures, description and information, Diamond Tetra care, habitat, lifespan, breeding and compatibility for keeping the Moenkhausia pittieri aquarium The neon tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) is one of the oldest tropical fish in the hobby, having first been collected and kept as far back as the 1930’s. Diamond Tetra (Moenkhausia Pittieri) Diamond Tetra. Recommended number of the species is 6, because this way you will have a chance to see all the beauty in a school in a tank with opaque lighting. However, through the years he’s had experience of keeping almost all types of freshwater fish and shrimps. Diamond tetra is a good tank mate for most all of live-bearing species (platy, molly, swordtail), zebrafish, Odessa barb, rosy barb and so on. For diamond tetras, suffering from a disease isn’t normally a huge issue. They are particularly fond of brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. Long fin Tetras are classed as a peaceful species, however if kept with timid tank mates, they will out compete them for the food. Here are some good diamond tetra tank mates to try out: Author Note: Shrimp are a tank mate to avoid if you have a diamond tetra. It depends on how ready the fish are for spawning and their physical condition. Shadow the tank, but continue aerating the water. However, there are never any guarantees when it comes to the lifespan of a fish (as you probably know). However, you have to put a bit of thought into its tank mates. The male is usually larger, brighter colored and thinner, than the females. After all, the Neon Tetra is arguably the most popular of any tetra species. Since it is tank-raised, this fish is very adaptable, but its natural habitat contains soft, acidic water rich in tannins and leaf litter. Published August 6, 2019 Author: Mike - FishLore Admin Social Media: The Green Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon simulans) looks very similar to the regular Neon Tetra but only reaches about an inch (2 cm) in size. You can utilize hang-on-back models or canister models. Shortly before this, start gradually increasing the water hardness (this is necessary for the juveniles to develop properly) and make other water parameters of the spawning and nursery tank equal, by adding 1-2 glasses of water from the tank where the breeders live every day. When she's not writing about fish you can find her hiking, swimming, and doing yoga. Add some driftwood and twisting branches to simulate all of the hiding places the fish have in the wild. It’s best to breed diamond tetras in a separate tank that’s about 20 gallons in size. They lay on the tank bottom or stick to the volume walls. A powerful filter with filtering medium that acidifies water will help you with this task. Valencia is located between two chains of mountains and it is the second largest lake in Venezuela. It is an omnivorous one, it eats all types of live, frozen or artificial food. They will do better when kept in a small school of 7 or more and in slightly acidic and soft water conditions. For females, the dorsal fin is quite short. In this case to trigger the spawning process you should add 1,0-1,5 liters of fresh soft water with temperature T= 29-30 °C.During the spawning male haunts the female actively and makes her lay eggs. He’s been fond of aquarium husbandry since his early childhood. Females are a bit smaller than males, they are less brightly colored and they don’t have that many scales on their body. Moenkhausia pittieri is a schooling fish that is rather suitable to keep in a spacious community tank with thickly planted perimeter, floating plants, dim lighting and dark colored bottom substrate. Lifespan. This tetra gets to be about 2.3 inches (6 cm) and should live for several years if kept in good water conditions and fed a proper diet. Eggs should hatch in about 24 to 36 hours. Moenkhausia pittieri) belongs to Characidae family. Provided with such feeding the offspring grows by leaps and bounds. So, it may take some trial and error to get things right. For example, there is the long-finned neon tetra which is very rare, a golden strain, and a diamond neon tetra which looks sprinkled with very attractive scales all over its body. Though the fish has a reputation of the one that nips fins, such behavior can be corrected as a rule by keeping the fish in a school of at least 6-8 species. Feel free to get creative here since there are no hard requirements in terms of plant cultivars. Once the female releases the eggs, they will fall into the mops to stay protected from hungry adults. This will also increase the amount of healthy and properly developing eggs in the tank. Common name: Diamond tetra. Neon tetras are but one type of tetra available. Studies showed that species diversity of the fish has reduced almost by 60% starting from the middle till the end of the 20th century. Monitor water parameters regularly. Lifespan. Author Note: While this might not seem like much, it really stands out (even when these fish are swimming around). Inhabits in thickly planted areas of the lake and in several of its slow tributaries. The Neon tetra has been around in the aquarium hobby for many decades since they first appeared in the 1930s. We think this size makes them even more fun to spectate. ... Lifespan. Pictures Short description. It is native to the Paraguay basin of southern Brazil. Its flat body is covered with silvery-gray scales, each of which shimmers like a diamond in reflected light. Whatever you choose to call it, there’s no denying this freshwater fish’s beauty. Diamond tetra is native to Venezuela where exactly lives in the resident of Aragua and guara rivers and valencia lake. Water quality as a rule is very poor there mainly due to contamination as a result of human life and activities, agriculture and industrial production. In the wild, the neon tetra prefers dense canopies, ... Lifespan: 3-5 Years; 12. The size of your tank! A school of brilliantly colored Neons flitting around a beautifully aquascaped tank is sure to catch the eye, and these stunning little fish are just about the most peaceful of the hundred or so different tetra species, making them ideal for a community tank. You can use flakes as the basic diet and feed it additionally with live or frozen food – bloodworm, brine shrimp. If the fish are ready to spawn, they will start laying eggs the very next morning. The young fish will have duller coloration than their adult counterparts. Diamond tetras are a fascinating freshwater fish that more owners should consider. At first glance, it’s not hard to see why. Columbian tetra (Hyphessobrycon columbianus): five years; Congo tetra (Phenacogrammus interruptus): five years; Convict (Amatitlania nigrofasciata): 10 to 18 years; Debauwi catfish (Pareutropius debauwi): eight years; Diamond tetra (Moenkhausia pittier): five years; Discus (Symphysodon aequifasciata): 10 to … When you’re decorating the tank, aim to replicate their natural habitat as closely as possible. They can quickly become food to larger species! It is good to use natural subdued light from the window in this case. However, there are never any guarantees when it comes to the lifespan of a fish (as you probably know). Also, keep the hardness low. Meanwhile, males have long and pointed fins that are easy to identify. For the most part, diamond tetra care is fairly straightforward. You may also use bunches of small leaved tank plants for this purpose. For example, spinach leaves or flakes containing plant components. These fish are natural omnivores that will eat everything from plant matter to tiny insects in the wild. To prevent bacterial and fungi infection add some methylene-blue into the tank water. However, only reproductive species can demonstrate this fascinating coloring, because the juveniles are rather pale colored. Interestingly enough, they like odd-numbered social groups. Green Neon Tetra - Paracheirodon simulans. Make sure your tetra have a balanced diet by feeding them a mix of pellet food and insects, like freeze-dried bloodworms and wingless fruit flies. As a rule this delay is due to the fact that the eggs inside the female’s abdomen aren’t ready yet. The usual size of an adult neon tetra is an inch and a half. At the age of 1 month the juveniles get the shape and the coloring of their parents. It is convenient to combine this process with feeding, by mixing filtered off plankton and water from the tank in a glass and then pouring the mixture into the spawning tank. There are also cardinal tetras, rosy tetras, ember, green neon, and even diamond variations! The Green Neon Tetra is one of the most misidentified species in the tetra family. Its flat body is covered with silvery-gray scales, each of which shimmers like a diamond in reflected light. They will only spawn with other fish of the same size and age. This species can survive in alkaline waters thanks to their hardy nature, but slight acidity can do a lot to help bring out their beauty! Most of the body takes on a silvery hue. Turn all of the lights off in the tank and add your fish. Appearance of Neon Tetra However in aquariums Neon Tetras will generally live for around 5 years. Albino Neon Tetra Paracheirodon innesi (captive variety) This golden-white mutation has been selectively bred in recent years. Larger fish are out of the question, too. Diamond tetras aren’t going to venture down there too much, but it helps provide that natural feel. The diamond-head neon tetra looks very similar to the wild type of the species, but it has a bright, metallic diamond-shape between its head and dorsal fin. Instead, stick to peaceful fish that are roughly the same size as this species. It’s easy to understand why- Neon Tetras are exceptionally beautiful, friendly, and hardy fish. The Blue Diamond Neon Tetra must be kept in schools of 6 or more. No, neon tetra will not eat shrimp in your tank but they might chase and harass shrimps thinking them as food. The diamond tetra (lat. innesi: named for American aquarist, author, photographer, printer and publisher Wiliiam T. Innes (1874-1969). The fish gets its common name from the gorgeous finish of its scales. Start off with a layer of sand substrate. Lifespan: 5-10 years; Diet: Omnivorous; Every tetra list has to include the Neon Tetra. Their dorsal is rounded and the rest of their fins are shorter, than those of the male. It is quite appealing and peaceful fish, the males grow to be quite large. The neon tetra has been seen to be living for as long as 10 years in captivity. These little creatures are peaceful, but they can also be very active. You’ll learn everything you need to know! This is a hardy species that can withstand a lot before succumbing to health problems (which is another reason why they’re great for beginners). You can also go for a product with vitamins that bring out the fish’s natural coloration. When you receive Neon … They have the same shimmering blue stripe and plashes of red as their more famous cousins. Additionally, perform a 25 to 50 percent water change every other week. It is quite easy to keep the fish, especially if you have some experience in aquarium husbandry. However, five or seven is even better! Short description. This makes them a great beginner fish. You should never keep these guys with super-aggressive species. In the wild feeds on small insects and spineless species living in water or fallen into it. Diamond tetras suffer from all of the common freshwater ailments. Tank water parameters have a wide range of acceptable values. Neon Tetras are great pets for beginners and new enthusiasts, adding color and activity to the aquarium. Like other fish from this region, the diamond tetra does very well in captivity. These freshwater fish are surprisingly resilient, which makes them great options for beginners and novice aquarists alike. Aquarium Source is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. The iridescent finish gets more vibrant as the fish ages, reaching its pinnacle once the fish matures. Whatever you choose, make sure that it can cycle the water volume several times an hour to keep ammonia and nitrate levels undetectable. The neon tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) is a freshwater fish of the characin family (family Characidae) of order Characiformes.The type species of its genus, it is native to blackwater and clearwater streams in the Amazon basin of South America. Neon Tetra Looking at a school of them can immediately grab peoples’ attention, reducing their stress levels. The goal here is to give the fish plenty of places to hide and relax. Diamond tetras are gorgeous freshwater fish that don’t get nearly enough attention. These fish will group up throughout the day to explore the tank and scavenge for food. Green Neon Tetra. This will be your lifeline when it comes to monitoring the state of your tank and knowing what adjustments to make. On the 6th day the juveniles start to swim. The tank lighting should be dim and scattered. Sergey is a founder and author of Meethepet.com. It has silver color combined grey, black, and yellow colors. It is better to put the fish in the spawning tank in the evening. You should also give them thawed and shelled frozen peas from time to … Once you become familiar with their requirements, owning them will be a piece of cake. Learn more. Fema… Gold Neon Tetra has a lifespan of 5 years. This fish will reach about 2 1/3 inches (6 cm) in length and has a lifespan of about 3 to 6 years in the aquarium. Black neon tetras are now generally all captive-bred and there is an albino form that is also sometimes available. Females have not very pronounced greenish-gray lateral stripe that starts from the tail fin base and goes along the body. The fish feels comfortable at 22-26 °C, pH 6-7.5, provided with weekly water renew (10-15% of the total tank volume). If you have any lingering questions about diamond tetra care that weren’t answered in this guide, feel free to send them our way. That means they’re used to living in environments that are teeming with plant life, so do your best to achieve something similar. Neon Tetra Lifespan. Below are the main water parameters to aim for. That makes them quite small and easy to manage even if you don’t have space for a larger aquarium. The Cardinal Tetra is a bit less durable than other tetra species, including the similar-looking Neon Tetra. Diamond lives … Paracheirodon: from the Greekpara, meaning ‘related to’, and the generic name Cheirodon. This should induce spawning. The eyes feature a subtle splash of red on the upper half, creating a unique accent. It really adds to their overall beauty! The lifespan is about 5 years. Diamond tetras are egg-layers. Fish Keeping Difficulty. The biggest challenge that aquarists have to overcome is pairing the fish off. In this guide we’ll go over the fundamentals of diamond tetra care to help you get prepared for ownership. A schooling fish, diamond tetras prefer to stay with a small group. This tetra is a good choice of fish for a community tank. 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