evolution of human brain and intelligence

[citation needed]. [78] Studies show that the striatum plays a role in understanding reward and pair-bond formation. The exceptions to the predictions of the social intelligence hypothesis, which that hypothesis has no predictive model for, are successfully predicted by diets that are either nutritious but scarce or abundant but poor in nutrients. [71] Specifically, researchers have found that the ACC in humans is disproportionately expanded when compared to the ACC in macaques. [citation needed] Human bands increasingly stayed in one place for long periods, so that females could care for infants, while males hunted food and fought with other bands that competed for food sources. The number of people with severe cognitive impairment caused by childhood viral infections like meningitis, protists like Toxoplasma and Plasmodium, and animal parasites like intestinal worms and schistosomes is estimated to be in the hundreds of millions. Dawkins, Richard (1979). One common characteristic that is present in species of "high degree intelligence" (i.e. [19] However, other researchers argue that extractive foraging was not a catalyst in the evolution of primate brain size, demonstrating that some non primates exhibit advanced foraging techniques. This ground-breaking book sets out a comprehensive, integrated theory of why and how the human mind has developed to function as it does. Many traits of human intelligence, such as empathy, theory of mind, mourning, ritual, and the use of symbols and tools, are somewhat apparent in great apes although in much less sophisticated forms than what is found in humans, such as great ape language and not to the same extent. However, it cannot be held anymore, that only humans make tools, because our closest relatives, the chimpanzees are able not only to use, but also to make tools, and they can be taught how to produce quite difficult ones.  |   |  As … NIH Med Hypotheses. [4] bunched together at the front of an organism. Puech P.-F., Puech S., Cianfarani F., Albertini H. (1989). These regions that were most influenced by heredity—large swaths of the frontal and temporal cortex, which are important in language processing and intelligence—overlapped strongly with parts of the brain that expanded during human evolution. [71] Studies demonstrate that the enlargement in these regions is disproportionately centered in the temporoparietal junction (TPJ), lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC), and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). Rather, intelligence may have been a fitness indicator. [24], Insects provide an opportunity to explore this since they exhibit an unparalleled diversity of social forms to permanent colonies containing many individuals working together as a collective organism and have evolved an impressive range of cognitive skills despite their small nervous systems. A larger brain requires a larger skull, and thus requires the female to have a wider birth canal for the newborn's larger skull to pass through. The cerebral cortex is significantly larger in humans than in any other animal and is responsible for higher thought processes such as: reasoning, abstract thinking, and decision making. 1998;77:181-92; discussion 192-3. dolphins, great apes, and humans - Homo sapiens) is a brain of enlarged size. [citation needed], Around 80,000–100,000 years ago, three main lines of Homo sapiens diverged, bearers of mitochondrial haplogroup L1 (mtDNA) / A (Y-DNA) colonizing Southern Africa (the ancestors of the Khoisan/Capoid peoples), bearers of haplogroup L2 (mtDNA) / B (Y-DNA) settling Central and West Africa (the ancestors of Niger–Congo and Nilo-Saharan speaking peoples), while the bearers of haplogroup L3 remained in East Africa. A genetic change in the system controlling gene expression could happen about 200 000 years ago, which influenced the development of nervous system, the sensorimotor function and learning ability for motor processes. EQ is the ratio of a species’ actual brain mass to its predicted brain mass. Without sexual selection, an unattractive individual might find a superior mate with few deleterious mutations, and have healthy children that are likely to survive. Anthropologists have been debating the origins of human intelligence and evolution of the brain for a long time – and now there’s a new theory in town. One problem with the hypothesis that specific punishment for intentional deception could coevolve with intelligence is the fact that selective punishment of individuals with certain characteristics selects against the characteristics in question. The Brain is contained in a Skull and as no contact with anything apart from through its senses this means it lives in the past because it needs time to think however it as billions of neurons. [citation needed] As a result, humans became even more dependent on tool-making to compete with other animals and other humans, and relied less on body size and strength. This is because it paid to be a highly variable male, as average males would have consistently low opportunity, but variable males had a chance of falling on the preferred side of the trait distribution. ", "Origins of human intelligence: The chain of tool-making and brain evolution", "Tooth wear and dexterity in Homo erectus", "Earliest evidence of modern human life history in North African early Homo sapiens", "Musical behaviours and the archaeological record: a preliminary study", "The neuroscience of primate intellectual evolution: natural selection and passive and intentional niche construction", "Dolphins and African apes: comparisons of sympatric socio-ecology", "Broca's area homologue in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): probabilistic mapping, asymmetry, and comparison to humans", 10.1002/(SICI)1520-6505(1998)6:5<178::AID-EVAN5>3.0.CO;2-8, "Processing power limits social group size: computational evidence for the cognitive costs of sociality", "Comparing Two Methods for Estimating Network Size", "How Much of a Network does the GSS and RSW Dredge Up? [21][22], The hypothesis that it is brain capacity that sets the upper limit for the number of social relationships is also contradicted by computer simulations that show simple unintelligent reactions to be sufficient to emulate "ape politics"[23] and by the fact that some social insects such as the paper wasp do have hierarchies in which each individual has its place (as opposed to herding without social structure) and maintains their hierarchies in groups of approximately 80 individuals with their brains smaller than that of any mammal. With sexual selection, an unattractive individual is more likely to have access only to an inferior mate who is likely to pass on many deleterious mutations to their joint offspring, who are then less likely to survive.[60]. During this time period, early humans began to walk upright and make simple tools. Most of these mammals are, also, closely related to humans in evolution, … Chimpanzees live in groups of about 50 individuals whereas humans typically have a social circle of about 150 people, which is also the typical size of social communities in small societies and personal social networks;[15] this number is now referred to as Dunbar's number. [80] Studies have demonstrated the presence of the mirror neuron system in both macaques in humans; However, the mirror neuron system is only activated in macaques when observing transitive movements.[80]. This evolution gave humans a leg-up in the animal world. [71] Researchers attribute this result to the constraints on the evolutionary process of increasing brain size. The oldest unequivocal examples of prehistoric art date to this period, the Aurignacian and the Gravettian periods of prehistoric Europe, such as the Venus figurines and cave painting (Chauvet Cave) and the earliest musical instruments (the bone pipe of Geissenklösterle, Germany, dated to about 36,000 years ago). 2005 May;9(5):250-7. doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2005.03.005. The evolution of language was the basic condition of conscious thinking as a qualitative change, which fundamentally differentiate us from all other creatures. Between-group selection can be used to explain the changes and adaptations that arise within a group of individuals. Thus, in general there's a correlation between brain volume and intelligence. About 200,000 years ago Europe and the Middle East were colonized by Neanderthal man, extinct by 39,000 years ago following the appearance of modern humans in the region from 40,000 to 45,000 years ago. Some brain characteristics connected to human consciousness and intelligence, like brain asymmetry, the "consciousness" or "theory of mind" based on mirror neurons are surprisingly present in monkeys. [19] Other explanations for the positive correlation between brain size and frugivory highlight how the high-energy, frugivore diet facilitates fetal brain growth and requires spatial mapping to locate the embedded foods. COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation. [18], Diets deficient in iron, zinc, protein, iodine, B vitamins, omega 3 fatty acids, magnesium and other nutrients can result in lower intelligence[82][83] either in the mother during pregnancy or in the child during development. Smarter people can more skillfully find and develop safe food sources and living environments. Tamed foxes, for example, exhibit advanced forms of social communication (following pointing gestures), pedomorphic physical features (childlike faces, floppy ears) and even rudimentary forms of theory of mind (eye contact seeking, gaze following). (1975). [71] The Broca's area, the second major region associated with language processing, is also located in the LPFC. [75] On a genetic level, humans have a modified FOXP2 gene, which is associated with speech and language development. Intelligence, Evolution of the Human Brain, and Diet. The brain region being responsible for human language is the left planum temporale, which is much larger in left hemisphere. This genetic modification made opportunity for human language, as the basis of abrupt evolution of human intelligence. Around 10 million years ago, the Earth's climate entered a cooler and drier phase, which led eventually to the Quaternary glaciation beginning some 2.6 million years ago. [71] The ACC is associated with detecting errors, monitoring conflict, motor control, and emotion. The human brain, in all its staggering complexity, is the product of millions of years of evolution. Ca. Selection for cooperation aided our ancestors in surviving harsh ecological conditions and did so by creating a specific type of intelligence. [Acquired drives. [60], In many species, only males have impressive secondary sexual characteristics such as ornaments and show-off behavior, but sexual selection is also thought to be able to act on females as well in at least partially monogamous species. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Social insects, likewise, often recognize members of their colony allowing them to defend against competitors. In addition, there is evidence to suggest that the success of groups is dependent on their size at foundation, with groupings of around 150 being particularly successful, potentially reflecting the fact that communities of this size strike a balance between the minimum size of effective functionality and the maximum size for creating a sense of commitment to the community. [59], This model, which invokes sexual selection, is proposed by Geoffrey Miller who argues that human intelligence is unnecessarily sophisticated for the needs of hunter-gatherers to survive. He argues that the manifestations of intelligence such as language, music and art did not evolve because of their utilitarian value to the survival of ancient hominids. As their environment changed from continuous forest to patches of forest separated by expanses of grassland, some primates adapted to a partly or fully ground-dwelling life. Based on recent knowledge the level of intelligence is related anatomically to the number of cortical neurons and physiologically to the speed of conductivity of neural pathways, the latter being dependent on the degree of myelinisation. The outstanding intelligence of humans appears to result from a combination and enhancement of properties found in non-human primates, such as theoryofmind,imitationandlanguage,ratherthanfrom ‘unique’ properties. This is because of the social intelligence that functioning within these groups requires from the individual. [10], Another characteristic that makes humans special and sets them apart from any other species is our ability to produce and understand complex, syntactic language. [35] It is hypothesized that these abilities derive from a selection against aggression.[32][36][37][38]. Bigger Brains Are Better—Up to a Point For some 2 million years, our minds continued to expand. Hence, tamed foxes show a reduced adrenal gland size and have an up to fivefold reduction in both basal and stress-induced blood cortisol levels. Page 51. Average intelligence doesn't differ much between genders, but because female selection is restricted more towards males at the top end of male-male hierarchies or those increasingly above average in physical attractiveness, male trait distributions often have longer tails; that is to say the lowest and highest intelligences (and many more traits) in male populations extend further out into the lowest and highest values of the distribution than for female traits. [71] Additionally, the Wernicke's area is located in the TPJ. 1972. [54][55] Peter Cathcart Wason originally demonstrated that not even 10% of subjects found the correct solution and his finding was replicated. 2005;64(2):417-27. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2004.09.002. The model was proposed by Robin Dunbar, who argues that human intelligence did not evolve primarily as a means to solve ecological problems, but rather intelligence evolved as a means of surviving and reproducing in large and complex social groups. [71] Sensory and motor regions have showcased limited growth. Ants do this by comparing odors which require fine discrimination of multicomponent variable cues. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Darwin considered an understanding of the evolution of the human mind and brain to be of major importance to the evolutionary sciences. The evidence amassed by scientists about it comes indirectly from the observation of the increase in the size of cranial capacity, of artifacts produced as a result of human intelligence, such as the manufacturing of tools and cooperative hunting and war, the use of fire and cooking, art and burial of the deceased, and a few other things. [20], There are also studies that show that Dunbar's number is not the upper limit of the number of social relationships in humans either. A more social and communicative person would be more easily selected. Introduction Animals differ in intelligence, and humans are usually considered to be by far the most intelligent. Evolution of the Brain and Intelligence by Harry J. Jerison With the agreement of author and publisher, Evolution of the Brain and Intelligence, by Harry J. Jerison (New York: Academic Press, 1973), was sent for review, along with a copy of the precis printed below, to a number of scholars. [citation needed] It also freed the arms from the task of walking and made the hands available for tasks such as gathering food. The review of the evolution of intelligence discussed how the human brain has grown with the changes industrialization brought on and with the increasing demands of the modern world. [18] One potential explanation for this finding is that frugivory requires 'extractive foraging,' or the process of locating and preparing hard-shelled foods, such as nuts, insects, and fruit. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! But it turns out that cultural changes may be able to foster genetic changes that affect intelligence, while technological advances are ushering in a new era of brain evolution. Would you like email updates of new search results? [73] The LPFC is commonly associated with planning and working memory functions. de Waal, Frans B. M. (1989). Previc emphasizes the contribution of nutritional factors, especially meat and shellfish consumption, to elevations of dopaminergic activity in the brain, which may have been responsible for the evolution of human intelligence since dopamine is crucial to working memory, cognitive shifting, abstract, distant concepts, and other hallmarks of advanced intelligence. Intelligence predicts the number of arguments one can make when taking either side of a debate. Humans who could get away with behaviours that exploited within and without-group cooperation, getting more while giving less, would overcome this. In In L. N. Trut and L. V. Osadschuk eds., Friedrich Nietzsche Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future 1886. Brain size increases slowly. [68] The trait of head size has become generally fixed in modern human beings. Better mental skills give also sexual dominance, which is beneficial for stabilising "cleverness" genes. "Foxes" pp. We then evaluate the implications of general intelligence in nonhuman animals for current theories about its evolution and find support for the cultural intelligence approach, which stresses the critical importance of social inputs during the ontogenetic construction of survival-relevant skills. These costs early in life build facilitators that reduce the cost of neuron firing later in life, and as a result the peaks of the brain's costs and the peak of the brain's performance are timed on opposite sides of puberty with the costs peaking at a sexually immature age while performance peaks at a sexually mature age. This hypothesis posits that human cognitive complexity arose as a result of the higher level of social complexity required from living in enlarged groups. People infected with parasites may have brain damage and obvious maladaptive behavior in addition to visible signs of disease. London: Routledge. Human intelligence is developed to an extreme level that is not necessarily adaptive in an evolutionary sense. Get the latest public health information from CDC: https://www.coronavirus.gov, Get the latest research information from NIH: https://www.nih.gov/coronavirus, Find NCBI SARS-CoV-2 literature, sequence, and clinical content: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sars-cov-2/. In this case the anatomical asymmetry means a clearly defined functional asymmetry as well, where the brain hemispheres act differently. The majority of said changes occur either in terms of size or in terms of developmental timeframes. Twelve misunderstandings of kin selection, The Evolution of Intelligence; Robert J. Sternberg, James C. Kaufman, 2013, The First Idea: How Symbols, Language, and Intelligence Evolved from Our Primate Ancestors to Modern Humans; Stanley I. Greenspan, Stuart Shanker, 2009, Williams, George C and Dawkins, R. "Group Selection. What is the evolution of the human brain and intelligence in layman terms? In other words, these primates developed the use of primitive technology. "Effects of domestication on the adrenal cortisol production of silver foxes during embryonic development ". [61] With complete monogamy, there is assortative mating for sexually selected traits. Some of the behaviors associated with living in large gr… Author Ian Porter. These concepts can be tied to the social brain hypothesis, mentioned above. There are two main areas of the brain commonly associated with language, namely: Wernicke's area and Broca's area. [citation needed] However, modern Homo sapiens have a brain volume slightly smaller (1250 cm3) than neanderthals, and the Flores hominids (Homo floresiensis), nicknamed hobbits, had a cranial capacity of about 380 cm3 (considered small for a chimpanzee) about a third of that of H. erectus. To walk upright and make simple tools is drinking alcohol then they must intelligent., deception and coalition formation evolution from primates included a tripling in brain volume mainly in the mosaic approach cortical. 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